Chapter 2: A Trouble With Training -

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who checked out the first chapter! I hope you enjoy this next chapter...

The next morning, Wally awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside his window. The sun peeked in through the shades, making his face feel warm and good. Forgetting that he was still deeply injured, he bolted upward, then groaned at the sudden movement of his muscles. Each one screamed out for him to stop and alleviate the oncoming torture. Still, he had to get to the Cave, even though it was Saturday. Saturdays were the one day of the week, when everyone on the Team could be together. It was a time of laughter, teasing, and the occasional goofing argument. Wally loved every minute of it, because it meant he was further from his father, who was always passed out on the couch, dealing with a migraine and a hangover.

Rolling out of bed, Wally went into the bathroom, and ran his fingers through his messy, knotted hair. He did his business, and checked on the suture line for the cut over his eye, and brushed his teeth. Then he reentered into his room, and withdrew from his dresser, his ideal clothing choices for the day. He pulled out a red Flash shirt, a pair of jeans, and his yellow Converse sneakers, custom designed to have red laces. As he dressed, he thought about what to say to his teammates about his current look. He knew he could lie, and say that his wrist was injured from a fall down the staircase. That was somewhat of a truth. The abrasion on his head and his broken nose, he could make up the excuse, that he rammed into a metal pole, while daydreaming and walking home from school. Everyone knew he was clumsy enough to do that. As for the bruises, he just hoped he wasn't going to be paired with Conner, Artemis, or Robin. All three could easily take him, or were smart enough to know when he was hurt. And he did not want Artemis to know at all. She may have been his girlfriend, but she was still known for getting info out, using blunt force. Plus, he didn't need her paying attention to his issues. Coming down the stairs, he watched his dad sleeping on the couch, and quickly crept past him. He opened the door, slipped out, then closed it behind him. Looking around and seeing no one, Wally took off running towards the nearest Zeta-tube.

Upon arriving, he entered his information, and soon found himself teleported into the Cave, as the Computer's voice declared, "Recognized: Kid Flash, B03." He called into the Cave, "Guys! I'm here! Where are you?" He heard Artemis' voice in the kitchen, as she said, "We're in here, Baywatch!" Quickly walking into the kitchen, he saw the rest of the Team, and his girlfriend standing close. Wally went straight to Artemis, and gave her a kiss on the cheeks, then asked, "How've you all been?" Artemis looked at Wally a second, then asked, "We're fine. Uh, Wally... Why is your wrist bandaged?" The speedster blushed, and said, "Uh, I kiss planted the bottom of the staircase last night, after I got home from school. Heh, clumsy me!" Artemis said, her voice hesitant, "Okkayyy..." Wally held up his hands in a defenseless tactic, and said, "Hey! Blame the stairs! They were there in the first place!" Artemis chuckled, then said, "I know, babe, but isn't this the third time this month that your wrist has been hurt? Wally, I'm just saying...maybe we ought to talk to someone about getting a metal plate put in..." "NO! I mean, I'm fine, Arty. Just fine.", the ginger replied suddenly. "Sure you are, Baywatch... Sure you are...", Artemis drew her words out. Robin said, his young voice brimming with joking tones, "Speaking of your wrist, Walls, what happened to your head? You hit a metal pole or something?" The rest of the Team laughed, and Wally asked, "What if I did? It certainly wouldn't be the first, and it won't be the last either. Like I said, I'm a clumsy guy!" Again the group of teens laughed. Wally watched on in silence, then joined in as well, even though each time he let one laugh out, it made his stomach hurt, and his whole body cringe. He tried to make sure he didn't vibrate when the pain shocks passed over his whole body, but it was hard to do that, especially when it was his friends that were joking.

Suddenly, Black Canary entered the kitchen, and said, "We're starting training. Go into the practice room." She walked out, and M'gann grabbed Conner, then nearly pulled him behind her. Artemis and Kaldur left as well, leaving only Robin and Wally. As the two best friends were walking, Wally felt his head become light and airy. His stomach felt sick, and he felt like he really needed to barf. Robin noticed the ginger turn pale, and asked, concerningly looking at the speedster, "Wally, when did you last eat? And how much?" Wally whispered, "Dick, I'm fine... I ate this morning before I left." "Wally, you're really pale. Like ghostly pale. Are you lying to me? Did you not eat anything?", the Bird commented. "I'm a ginger, Dick. I'm naturally a very light skinned person. Now please, get off my back.", Wally replied, his voice getting firmer, as he shoved the lie down his own throat. He hated lying to his best friend, but what was he supposed to do? Admit he was a victim of physical and verbal abuse? No way, no how. Robin replied, hesitant, "Alright dude, but if you pass out, don't come complaining to me. I'm just trying to be a worried friend, and I'm telling you, you don't look good at all. And if you didn't eat, then you should've. You know how worried Bats, Barry, and I all are for you. We just want to make sure you're doing what you should be doing, and taking in the amount of calories a speedster has to have, to keep from passing out." "Dick, how's this... I'll let you know if I'm going to pass out, but until then, don't ask me if I've eaten or not. I've been a speedster for five years. I think I have a pretty good idea of how many calories I need to keep alert.", Wally bit harshly. And with that, the ginger zoomed ahead of his best friend, and entered the training room. He felt his head go light again, and his steps become heavy and dragged, but he stayed alert. That is, until Black Canary called his name, about five minutes later, after the first group went. He walked up onto the platform, and heard the older blonde call someone's name. The name was foggy to him, but when his vision cleared, he saw Conner looking at him, from across the platform. "Oh, chicken whizzies...", Wally thought, cussing to his favorite food ever, "This is just not my day, or my week, for that matter. Why did it have to be Superboy, er, Conner, the Boy of Steel? Why, oh, why?" As much as he loved the clone like a brother, fighting against Conner, was like fighting a wall. Stubborn and hard to remove. It was going to take all his hard work, and then some, to take down the Boy of Steel. Wally just hoped he had enough strength left to even do that.

A/N: To everyone, I hope you have a good night! Please don't forget to raise awareness for stopping abuse, by commenting something positive, or leaving your vote! You'd be surprised by what the end result will be. Also, if you're worried about me knowing anything personal about you, you can now comment on my Sarahah acct, for a more private message. I put the link in my bio at the bottom.

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