Chapter 9- Always Expect the Unexpected

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Ji said, interrupting the conversation. "Whoa. What did King Father just say?! That I'm going to marry this girl I barely even know?!"


"Crown Prince," the Queen warned. Ji, however, did not heed it. He just sent his the Queen a glare.


"Crown prince," the king began. "You know how important it is that-."


"Important?!" Ji echoed. "Are you thirsty for power or something? Are you that desperate to have even just a smidge of power over the country? That desperate that you would sacrifice your own son?!" Clearly at rage, Ji stormed off without another word.


"I deeply apologize for our son's behavior," the King said. "He just needs some time to get used to things." He turned to me. "Agent Medria, please follow him around. Make sure that Crown Prince doesn't do anything he will regret."


I bowed at the King and quickly went after Ji.


I can't believe his parents would do that to him! If I were the King, I wouldn't care if I didn't have power over a country. As long as everyone in my family is happy, I'm happy.


I ran after Ji to find him walking out of the Blue House.


"Crown Prince!" I called out to Ji. Unfortunately, I was in his territory now. If I didn't call him by his title, I'd be imprisoned, and that's the last thing I needed right now.


Ji stopped dead on his tracks. He didn't turn to face me. He just remained silent the entire time.


"Don't," he hissed. "Don't call me that. I hate being called that."


"But I'm not allowed-."


"Screw that," he cursed. My eyes widened in surprise. Ji has never cursed before. Or at least I have never heard him until now. "Don't ever call me Crown Prince. Hell, I'm not even coronated yet. From here on out, you call me Ji-ya, ne? That's an order, Charl-ya."


I looked down in defeat. I wasn't allowed to reject royal orders. I was just a commoner, after all. I just nodded in reply.


"Crown Prince!" we both heard another voice call in Korean. It was Park Choa, the president's daughter. She was rushing to us, looking rather flushed. How does she do that? How can she still run in those heels?




"Don't call me that, Choa-ya," he hissed in Korean. She frowned.


"What King said was unexpected," she said.


You don't say, I wanted to snap at her. Nobody was expecting that. I mean have you seen how big the president's eyes grew? No? Well, they were about the size of galaxies.


"You don't say," Ji snapped, his voicr dripping with sarcasm. Oh my gosh, we have the same sarcastic remarks! We are so meant to be!

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