Plans Are Made

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So where to start maybe my name would be the best place well my name is Tyler Cross and I am 15 about to turn 16 in two month I am the son of Sue and Dave Cross and I live in Queens. I go to Midtown school of science and technology my best friend is a girl called MJ and my crush is a boy called Peter Parker who is 16 and MJ is the only person who knows oh that reminds me I am gay. Right now, I am stuck in school sitting at the lunch table waiting for MJ. Since me and her are social out casts we sit at a table by ourselves well apart from Peter and Ned who come and sit with us because just like us they are social rejects now I talk to both of them but MJ likes to keep this mysterious façade and she only talks to me because in a way we are like best friends but we just don't go around blurting it out. Anyway, I was at the table siting with MJ and we were talking about normal stuff when Peter walked over looking like he was half asleep he has been this way ever since he got that Stark internship. He sat down opposite MJ and I and put his head on the table.

"Why are you tired all the." Tom looked over at Mj and tiredly muttered

"Stark Internship." I looked over at Mj who just shrugged and ate her food

"Pete I'm worried for you, the rate you're going you're going to become fatigued and also what about school I know he is the Tony Stark but you need to look after yourself as well." He looked up at me and smiled and even with bags under his eyes he still looks cute as ever

"Tyler seriously I'm fine you don't need to worry about me." I smile at him but I'm still nervous that he isn't taking care of himself. As he puts his head down to rest Ned comes over and sits opposite Peter but I think he decided to let him sleep so he didn't wake him. Ned and I spoke about different things while Mj drew a picture of a girl crying a few tables away from us and had all these friends around us. As we sat there I got an idea for Friday.

"Ned Mj do ether of you want to come over tomorrow and watch a movie or something?" I smiled at Mj hoping she would say yes

"I would but homework." I roll my eyes at her and she just shrugs

"Fine party popper, Ned what about you?"

"Sounds fun but I can't I have homework for Physics and chemistry."

"Uggggggggghhhh finnnnnnnneeeee both you can ruin my fine." I try to fake sulk but to no avail

"I can come over, I mean only if you want me to." As peter says this I start getting a warm feeling

"Really that would be great but sure you won't be too tired?"

"No hopefully not see Thursday I go home early and Fridays are my only free days of from the internship and schoolwork." I smile at him and nod

"Okay well it's just me and you because these two are 'responsible' apparently." I laugh as Mj punches me in my arm as the bell rings. "Well good by boys me and Mj are off to English." I look at Mj who's still drawing the crying girl. "Come one you leave the poor child to cry in peace." I grab her arm and she glares and me but as we walk away I can't help smiling. When we were out of ear shot Mj leaned.

"I bet someone's happy about you and Mister Parker." As I am smiling I look at Mj

"Oh shush you." As we both laugh at head to our lockers to get our I stuff Flash just has to walk around the corner

"Oh, look it's my favourite fag how are we today." As he says this suddenly I am not feeling so happy any more. "Oi faggot I asked you a question how are we today." I just look at him to scared to answer and as he walks past me I try to move away from him he shoves me to the ground and I hit my funny bone.

"Leave him alone Flash."

"Oh, fuck off Penis Parker." As flash tries to shove him to the ground he dodges him somehow and comes over to me and picks me off the floor.

"Asshole." Mj yells out as he walks off god I loved her

"Thanks Pete but next time don't defend me we don't need to people on the floor." He smiles at me

"But I'm still standing." I punch him in the arm at smile

"You know what I mean." He smiles at me

"Come on Daniel we need to get to English." AsMj grabs my arm I turn around and wave by to Peter and even though flash ruinedmy day he definitely wont ruin my hope for tomorrow night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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