Chapter one - My Hero In Blue

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One cold Rainey night in NYC you were walking alone back home from a friends house April O'neil and Casey Johns they were your only Friends and you always wondered why they were your friends in the first place your not special or wanted were you? You never thought you could have  friends because you we're to shy and quiet... but you did have friends, your two friends were having a sleep over and invited you to come you kinda didn't want to but went anyway having fun just having a great time but then you decided to go home because you weren't feeling it April's Dad told you if you were ok and he can walk you home but you kindly declined that offer April and Casey just stood there worried for their friend. So yeah here you are cold and wet walking alone in the middle of the night, After a couple of minutes of walking Everything around you went quiet no Cars? No people walking down the streets? No nothing it was just quiet and dark except for the street lamps here and there then you realised that you were walking down an ally way you had no idea how you ended up here but you weren't sticking around to find out.

As you turned around to exist the cold dark ally way you found yourself stuck in a big situation there was the Purple Dragons standing 5 or 7 feet in front of you all three of them had there knives out standing in a line as there leader Fong quietly chuckled to himself as he walked forward, quickly you grew scared and start to panic hyperventilating your heart was pounding in your chest so fast ready to brake out and run away but you couldn't do anything you were frozen and you have not realised that two of the purple Dragons all got hold of you holding both your arms and pinned them on top of your head as Fong walked in Front of you licking his lips in the process which made you want to puke up your own guts.

"Hahah what a pretty little surprise we got here boys" Fong said as his two friends laughed making you even more scared then before, you're eyes widen in horror as Fong used his knive to trace up and down your shirt making your shirt go up a bit showing your bear skin cold air hitting it sending shivers down your spine.

"Boss come on its Friday night let's go faster and more crazy then we every been" One of Fong's members said as Fong nodded his head ready to rip your shirt off but before he could we all heard a loud 'THUMP' sound after like 2: seconds you were on the ground again resting your head on the wall as you watched a fight happen Infront of you. Their in front of you was 4 BIG MUTANT TURTLES???? Fighting off Fong and his gang.

In a split second they were now standing in front of you making you back up against the wall scared but before you could even scream the Turtle with the Blue bandana came up to you and nelt down Infront of you. He held out his hand and said.

"Hey are you okay miss" He said in a Calm steady voice not wanting you to freak out even more you nodded your head slowly and reached out for his hand which made him smile slightly as your hands touched it send a weird feeling that you couldn't describe.

He pulled you up but a little to fast and you legs went forward alittle making you fall on him a bit but he catched you before you could hit the ground you looked up at him Blushing slightly from embarrassment and.... Him? And he did the same he looked down at you and blushed like crazy.... Until someone interrupts your little moment.

"Umm is this going to be the part were the hero in blue kisses this lovely girl and live happily ever after? Or NOT!!!" The red headed Turtle said crossing his arms.

The blue headed Turtle blushed and said " No Raph this isn't the part were the Hero in Blue kisses this nice lovely girl I just met her" He replied so the Red headed Turtle is Raph.

Before you could say anything or do anything you felt yourself been picked up bridal style by the blue headed Turtle.

"Hey miss I'll be taking you home where do you live" He said softly not wanting to freak you out.

"Hey!!!! I want to save this girls life No FAIR!!!!" Another Turtle said but this one had a Orange Mask and a childish voice.

"No Mikey"

" So where do you live? Miss" He said as he ran up onto a roof top so he can hear you.

"I..... I.... Live... At (Place were you live)... Not far from here" You stuttered turning a slight shade of pink and that little blush didn't go unnoticed by your Hero in Blue it made him chuckle.

"I'm Leo by the way and yours I don't want to keep calling you miss do you want me to keep calling you miss?" He asked kindly and started to run to the direction of your
(House/Apartment).. You nodded your head No! And you whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

"(Name)" you whispered. (The Sometimes I'll do Y/n)

"That's a pretty name better then mine" He said truthfully. Making you blush from being called Pretty no one has called you that but.... Casey.

As he was running across roof tops getting to your (House/Apartment) he realised that you were shy..... Really Shy! He didn't mind it but it was different to not hear someone talk for so long because he had brothers that were loud and friends to but you were different in a nice way. After awhile you fell asleep in his arms head up against his Plastron arms wrapped around his neck making him blush like crazy he looked down at your sleeping form and smiled slightly seeing you asleep.

Once he got to your window he opened it climbed inside making sure not to wake you up and put you gently in bed and before he left he put his phone number on a piece of paper and a little note that says

To (Name)
It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope I can see you again I have also released that you are shy but don't worry I like you being shy it's kind of nice.

Sincerely Leo.
P.S your hero in blue.

Then he left before taking one last glance at your sleeping form.

Hey guys so what did you guys think let me know and yeah bye my Hero in Blue lovers.

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