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Shitty poem i wrote in detention out of boredom

If you're reading this (You know who you are), im sorry


She is like the rain

When she is around it fills me with momentary happiness

She makes me feel warm inside

And she makes life seem way better than it was

But just like rain she is only temporary

And when she leaves so do those feelings

And just like rain she has a beauty that is widely misunderstood

Because unlike the sun she brings a warmth that doesn't burn

A warmth that lingers when the source is gone

Lingers longer than the heat of the sun

Lingers leaving that temporary happiness until the lingering fades

And when it fades, just like the real rain, all that is left are small drops of moisture

As the tears flow when the feelings keeping them back disappear for the time

And the thunder of life rolls on



Short and shit. I'm probably gonna regret posting this but who cares. Internet is anonymity.

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