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*Seth's P.O.V.*

It had been over a month since I saw or heard from Finn. I tried finding him on Twitter and Instagram, but I had no luck. I even searched common Irish last names, and that was an epic fail.

"I know what you did last summer." I heard whispered in my ear as I was half sleep.

"You weren't there. How wouldn't you not know ?" I said sleepily.

"Because I was there bitch !"

"Ahhh ! Liv !? Who let you in !?" I complained as I fell out of bed.

"Your mom let us in, haha ! What did you do last summer !?" AJ laughed uncontrollably.

"I know I'm going to jail this summer for kicking your ass if you do that again !"

"Relax ! Get up and get dressed, we're going shopping." Liv instructed.

"What are we going shopping for ? I just wanna sleep !" I said getting up.

"Clothes ! What else would we go for, doughnuts ?"

"Actually, I promised my mom I would bring him back some doughnuts." AJ said as I kicked them out.

As I changed clothes, I heard doors shutting non stop outside. It looked like there was new neighbors unloading a sound system and flat screen. The lady saw me and started heading towards our house. I quickly closed my window and tried to prevent any interactions.

"Guys, don't open the door !" I yelled running downstairs.

"Not my house, didn't plan on it." AJ said.

"It's a new neighbor, another person I have to forcibly meet !"

"Seth, put a shirt on. I swear, you want company to think you were raised in a barn." my mom said walking by.

"I was changing and then I saw a lady outside. I'm sure she's the new neighbor, and I think she's coming over to-" I stopped as the doorbell rung. "Mom, I'm begging you, don't open that door. Remember our last neighbor ?"

"Oh hush ! Ms. Lattimore was the best ! Maybe the new neighbors have a daughter. You're 21 and never had a girlfriend ! You don't even have friends, no offense AJ and Olivia." she said going to the door.

"It's Liv. Literally, it says 'Liv' on my certificate."

As my mom opened the door, AJ and Liv silently laughed and made faces at me as I tried hiding. They tried pulling me into the neighbor's sight, but I held onto the staircase railing for my life until the door shut and my mom saw us.

"Damn it Seth, put a shirt on !" she said. "I forgot her name, so we're just gonna have to use pronouns. She invited us over to introduce themselves."

"There's more of them ?" I asked annoyed.

"Of course ! And we're meeting them in an hour. Shower up and dress nice. I don't know who designed her dress, but I can't pronounce the name so it's fancy."

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