Secret Love

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*Finn's P.O.V.*

You ever think about someone and get a warm tingly chill across your body ? Well that was me everyday. Just a little weird; I was head over hills for Seth and loved every second of it, but I never really showed it. Well, that was gonna change today !

"Seth ! Seth Seth Seth !" I yelled out my window.

"Finn, this is why we have phones !" he said opening his window.

"Let's go get ice cream ! I'll be down in 15 minutes !"

As Seth came out, I was kinda overwhelmed at how good he looked. He had on normal clothes and a pontytail, nothing new, but he just had this glow to him.

"What ? Do I have a booger in my nose !?" he panicked as I stared at him.

"Haha ! No, you just look really nice."

"Oh, well thanks." he said shyly.

"I like your suspenders."

"Are you serious, or are you just being nice ?"

"I'm serious ! I've never seen someone wear them hanging from their backside." I said.

"It's a style I'm bringing back. Let's get that ice cream, I already know what I want !"

We hurried to the Saffron & Rose Ice Cream place and I paid for our desserts. Seth didn't want me to, but I insisted. We found a bench nearby and ate in the sun as traffic and pedestrians passed us by.

"Okay okay, here's another one .... Justice League." he said.

"That's like, an original, one of the best !"

"Okay. What about Aquaman ?"

"Ehh, I could never get behind him. He seems cool, but what can he do besides talk to fish ?" I questioned.

"What can't he do !? He can swim super fast, breathe underwater, he's super strong and he can survive on land ! Plus .... he can control water."

"That's a bonus. He still seems like the weak link in Marvel."

"Finn, you can't just sit here and diss my favorite superhero." Seth laughed.

"Well what do you think about Venom ?"

"He's like, the evil Spider-Man, right ?"

"Say no more." I said as I chuckled and softly shoved him. "Wanna try some of mine ?"

"Yeah, what is it ?"

"It's dream cooler, blue moon and vanilla mixed."

I tried feeding him some, but I purposely shoved it on his nose. He laughed as I laughed and he tried licking it off.

"Seth, it's just like last time. Let me get it, because you're embarrassing yourself." I told him.

I wiped the ice cream off and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Looking into his eyes, I started to go in for a real kiss, but he instantly stood up and I fell face first into the bench.

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