So Blessed

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*Seth's P.O.V.*

It was finally Christmas day, which meant I was off from work and could finally see Finn ! Since it was just my mom and myself, I spent the whole day with her. Afterwards, I was all Finn's and he was all mine.

When nighttime approached, I jumped out my window, off the roof, hopped the fence and climbed up the side of Finn's place until I got to his window. It was opened, so I just let myself in. I looked around for Finn and he soon entered his room. Frozen in shock, he stared at me just for a moment, like he was seeing me for the first time.

"I told you it would be the best feeling ever." I said.

"Seth." he giggled. "Babe !"

He charged to me and tackled me on his bed, kissing me all over my face.

"Haha ! I missed you too ! You're like an oversized puppy !"

"Oh my God ! I'm so happy you're here ! How was work !?"

"Let's not talk about work, but first thing's first loverboy, where do I slee-"

Finn cut me off by catching me off guard and kissing me for real this time.

"I've waited almost a week to do that."

"Don't forget about your parents. They don't know about us." I reminded him. "Now I'm having second thoughts on this. Remember what happened last time ?"

"It'll be fine ! They let me have all the privacy I want ! We're gonna relax, have fun .... and you sleep in my bed." he instructed.

"All the privacy ?" I asked looking at him.

"All the privacy." he laughed as he kissed me again. "I missed you so much babe. Why don't you get comfortable."

Finn took his shirt off, and I was at a lost for words. How did he manage to have the most perfect body in the world ? That was the last time I spend a week away from him.

"I'm just gonna stay down here and try not to think about .... that." I said looking at his body.

"Are you sure ?"

"Yup ! I'm sure. The last thing I want is your parents walking in on us doing anything." I assured him.

I laid on the floor as Finn laid in the bed and Netflix played over and over through Family Guy. It was stupid and over the top, but that's what I liked, and I got Finn hooked on it too.

"I'm gonna shower up real quick." he said in the middle of the show.

Finn took his shower and then I took mine. We continued watching Netflix a bit longer, eating chips and dip. As one episode stopped and the next was loading, I yawned and started to doze off.

"That's enough Netflix. You wanna just, lay down and .... talk ?" he asked turning the tv off.

"Yeah, that shouldn't take long." I said as I sat on the bed on my knees. "How do you wanna lay ? Do you want me to sleep at the bottom ?"

Finn ignored me and got on the bed to kiss me. He took my shirt off and then laid me down. He softly kissed under my jaw, passed my neck and made his way down my stomach. I got nervous when he gripped my shorts and played around waist. As he pulled my shorts off, he just stopped.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna try anything." he said laying beside me.

As Finn reached across me to turn the lamp off, I could smell his body wash. It gave me so much lust, I could pass out. I really thought I was gonna get laid tonight.

"We've never really done this before, have we ?" he asked.

He laid my hand on his chest, crossed my leg over his and rested his arm behind my head. Taking it a step further, he casually rested his hand on my ass. It was a slick move he pulled off, I'll admit.

"Ignore the stars on the ceiling. They're cool but also my night light." he said.

"You need a nightlight ?"

"Yeah ! There's evil things that hide in the dark. Like spirits and demons." he informed me.

"Finn, that's ridiculous ! Not all spirits are evil."

"The one I met was ! It wouldn't let me sleep, slammed doors and knocked things over. It even pushed me against the wall sometimes." he told me.

"Sounds like the Paranormal movies. You might be right."

"I'm not really religous, but that's why the stars are shaped like a rosary, in case of demonic activitied."

"I never would've thought you believed in that stuff." I confessed.

"Everyone has to believe in something. What do you believe in ?"

"Besides God, the Easter bunny." I said as we both burst out laughing. "He died for our sins in that helicopter crash."

"I don't think we should talk about God while we're cuddling with my hand on your butt, haha !"

We talked about everything we could possibly think of. It was heaven being with Finn again. Laying beside him, my joy was so deep. He soon started to fall asleep, not making a single sound. Feeling him now was all I needed. I knew I wanted him to stay with me beyond the end.

"Seth ?" he whispered to me.

Frozen by my own thoughts, I didn't know if I should say anything, so I just lightly groaned and adjusted myself on him more.

"I don't wanna freak you out or anything, but you're really awesome Seth." he said sleepily. "You're my heart and my everything, and I'm gonna love you so hard and so much."

As he whispered in my ear, I could feel his love, and we were the same. He held me tighter and kissed my cheek before falling asleep again. Adrift in the moment, it was so sacred and pure.


this is another one of my favorite chapters ! it's just so .... ugh I love it ! keep reading #Advocates (:

song :

yes dahhling ! vocals for days !

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