The One

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*Finn's P.O.V.*

I showered up for Tyler to come over. Just a small part of me was excited while most of me was confused. I didn't know what was going to happen tonight. Of course, I ran every bad scenario in my head.

"I hope you have Netflix ready !" Tyler said as he knocked on the door.

Snapping back to reality, I quickly ran to answer the door.

"Oh, I didn't know I wasn't suppose to wear clothes." he said looking me up and down.

"No, I just got out the shower. I'm wearing underwear so I'm good. Uh, go ahead and get comfortable. I'm gonna throw some pants on." I said going to my room.

"Hey, did I leave my phone-" I said going back to the living room.

In the blink of an eye, Tyler we sitting on the couch with his shirt off.

"Yeah, it's on the table."

I did tell him to get comfortable.

"Okay, that's fine." I said.

"So what are we gonna watch ?"

I couldn't stop looking at Tyler. His body wasn't as good as Seth's, but man did it look good ! I decided to spend the night in my towel. I had underwear on, so why not ?

"Well I was looking through and saw this show, The Office. I watched one episode and I'm hooked on it !" I said.

"I haven't seen that in a long time ! Well let's get it going !"

I made us some popcorn and started the show. Tyler moved closer, almost right under me as I put my arm around him. I expected this, no big deal. What got me was him laying his head against my chest. It reminded me of Seth so much.

"You want a drink ? I'll get you a drink." I said getting up nervously.

My heart beat so fast, I could barely control it. I drank some water and told myself to just focus on the show, not Tyler.

"You okay ?" he asked me when I returned.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"You came without the drinks." he pointed out.

I quickly ran back and grabbed some Arizona tea for us out the fridge. I was showing all the signs of nervousness that I was suppose to be hiding.

"If I remember right, I think the weird guy with the glasses was my favorite."

"Yeah, I forgot his name, but he's funny. He kinda looks like a serial killer to me." I laughed.

Tyler soon put his arm across my stomach and clenched me. I started breathing heavily again and could feel my piece start to rise. I couldn't help it, I had to make a move on him. I moved my hand down to his waist, then down more to grip his butt

"Finn, I feel you shaking."

"Huh ? I'm okay, really." I assured him.

He started to rub my body and I just had to kiss him. I pulled him onto me as I ran my hand through his hair. I felt deep inside that I wanted him so bad. I tried to keep going, but something just didn't feel right to me.

"Are you sure you're okay ? Because you seem a little off."

"Like how ?"

"You keep pulling away from me."

"Honestly, no." I sighed. "I'm sorry man, but I'm thinking about Seth."

"I thought you were. Don't be sorry."

"I have to be. I'm going through a situation that I can't help. I like you and I know you like me. We can really be something. I wanna get a little closer, but I promised myself that I wouldn't give in to love again. I'm scared, and I'm nervous. I wasn't trying to lead you on or anything. It's just that .... Seth was the one. I said I was over him. I think if it came down to it, I could move on again, but not completely forget him."

"You have to know that not everyone is the same Finn." he told me.

"See the problem with relationships in general is that it's always a game in the beginning. They'll do anything to have you. Once they do, it's never the same. So the question is: do I really wanna trust this feeling ? Do I wanna let it pass me by ? Do I think it's only superficial ? Could it actually be different this time ? I don't know."

"Sounds like doubt to me. That's not okay, but it is with me. I only came here because even though you told Seth you moved on, I knew you didn't. Maybe by getting stronger, but not by moving on from him." he explained.

"So now what ?"

"I don't know. That's something only you can answer."

I thought about what was said, but I didn't know what to do ? I knew I wasn't completely over Seth, but I didn't want this new Seth around me.

I walked Tyler out to the lobby and said my goodbyes to him. I was really gonna miss him, but I loved that he helped me with everything.

"I'm still sorry Tyler."

"If you say that again, I'm gonna push you through the revolving door !" he laughed. "Take care Finn."

I gave him one last kiss and watched as he walked off.

"Wait ! Don't think we won't see each other again ! We work together !" I joked.

"You might as well invite me over !"

"In a few days, I'll text you !" I said.


can we talk about what Finn was saying how relationships are ? TRUTH ! I actually took that from Mariah because only she knows how to pinpoint exact emotions.

song :

love love LOVE this song !

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