Chapter 8

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A/n: First of all... 1k reads!!! Thank ya'll! Now, I present to you... The 8th chapter!

I woke from the peaceful sleep, someone had been in the room while i slept and had rolled me in a blanket. As I was about to close my eyes, not feeling a 100% ready to wake up yet, someone walked in. 
"Hey, Y/n you're awake! Great. Will's mom making breakfast, you can come join us? If you want to..." Mike Wheeler said also not looking very awake yet.
I nod with a small smile, as he walked out of the room letting the sweet smell of breakfast reach me.

There was a pair of trousers and a shirt saying 'GHOSTBUSTER', it was a bit too big, but I didn't have a problem with that.
I walked into the kitchen were Joyce was making toast and eggos, she seemed a little stressed, but her mind was a bit more calm.
"Goodmorning..." I quietly said.
She heard me and turned around and looked at me with a smile, "Goodmorning dear" she said, "If you just walk into the living room, the others will be there".

I nodded and followed her instructions, and as she had said Will, Mike, El, Jim, Lucas, Dustin, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan sitting and eating.

Everything went quite as i walked in, everybody looked up at me.
I just stood there, i never was the one that was very good at talking with people.
"There's an empty seat right here" Nancy said as she made room for me.
I sat in the chair, not knowing what to do now, but it didn't take me long before my plate was full.
If you like me had been in a laboratory where they wouldn't feed you, you would also eat like there was no tomorrow.

"So... Y/n, we thought about it, and we think you should start in school" Jim said breaking the silence, everybody now again looking at me waiting for answer.
"That sounds.... Fun?" I answered him, and starting eating again.

--- Time skip to y/n's first day in Hawkins Middle School ---

I walked into the big hallway, were everybody was walking to their lockers.
So i felt like a lost puppy, since i never had attended a real school, only the one Papa would teach me in.
Someone bumped into me making me fall hard on the ground, "Look where you're going!" someone hissed at you.
"You obviously bumped into me... I didn't do anything..." I say, not totally sure why he was accusing me. 

The boy turned around facing me, with a very angry expression on his face.

"I don't remember seeing you around here, are you new?" he spit on my face,
"Yes, i am new here" i answered.
"Well, well, well... Then i say, you need to find out where you fit in... But i can already say it... The N-E-R-D-S" he said furiously getting more and more red.

Then with no warning his fist smashed into my side, making me bow down.
Then his knee connected with my head.
Black dots dancing in my seight, and i tried not to fall, but i failed.
He laughed at me, and walked away.

"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard voices yelling.
I turn around and see Dustin and Lucas running to you, helping you up.
"What happened?!" Lucas asked concern, but a slight anger in his voice.
"I believe that Troy beat me" I said truly, not really caring, i had been treated worse.

--- Time skip ---

I walked home from the school, not caring that the bruises hurt.
I thought school was fun... Not a place where there are bullies...

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