Chapter 2

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Finally lunch, I love lunch. Well I don't love lunch, I love the food that comes with lunch. We actually have pretty decent food at this school.
'Wait, Nina we had a deal, skip lunch and eat a little dinner then you can have a big breakfast.'
'But the food.' I argue with my self.
'Exactly the food if you want to get to your monthly goal of  90 pounds then don't eat.
'Your right' so I change my direction and head towards the tables. My day wasn't great so far. Well it never is but today was worse than usual. First hour is Spanish, and then Speech. Instantly the day is to a bad start I don't like the teachers. The classes are not that bad, it's the teachers. The teacher, Mrs. Brinction, our spanish teacher, is a tell not teach kind of person. Then Mr. Jones a very picky person, everything has to go his way or no way, changed my entire speech. It was on Equal rights of all genders. He didn't like the topic and made it a compare and contrast between male and female rights. He gave me the subject. But other than that the day was fun.
"Hey Nina." My best friend Kaila says inturupting my thoughts.
"Hey you coming over for our sleepover today."
"No I can't sorry Nina." That's strange she has missed the last three. I probably did something wrong again, maybe I'm to clingy. Yeah thats probably what it is.
"Hold on let me get this." She says as her phone rings. Great now she doesn't even want to be around me.
Yeah because your such a screw up.
No I'm not it's probably just her mom or something important.
Quite lying to yourself she just doesn't  want to be around a screw up like you.
Would you fucking shut up. I don't need to listen to your bullshit today.
Why? 'Cause it's the truth?
Oh look there's Jenny I wonder how she and her boyfriend are doing, I'll ask her later. Oh there's my other freind.
"Hey Fig."
"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me Fig?"
"I can call you Tig."
"Atleast make it Tigger."
"No if you are anyone then you are Rabbit. You over organizer."
"I do not over organize." He protests.
"Really then explain your tray." His tray was carefully put together. The oranges by the carrots. The grapes by the oranges and the milk becouse there was nothing of its color. Then the salad is separated in the bowl, separated. The lettuce by the green peppers, the red peppers by the tomatoes. Yeah, you get the picture.
"Hey it is-" he was cut of by Kaila coming back and looking over at me with a creepy smile.
"I can stay over!" She squeled loudly.
"Yeah!" I say happily.
"This is so not fair." Tommy (Rabbit) grumbles.
"Ahh you want a lap dance baby boo." Kaila says teasingly.
"Hell no, only I'm allowed to do that." His boyfreind Aiden says coming to sit by us.
"Why don't you show her how well you do it." You see they have been dating for three years and Aiden is only a year older. But becouse Aiden is gay his parents kicked him out at 16. Ever since then he has been a stripper. Don't get it twisted he has lived with Tommy and his parents since he the beginning and he loves his job. Tommy does to becouse he gets to see his boyfriend sexually dance on a pole and is taught how to lap dance.
"Boys your at a school. There are teachers watching." Kaila says but it is to late it has already started.
"Oh god." I mumble under my breath before standing up.
"No Nina, come back this is hot as hell."
"Tommy, Aiden, you are not allowed to do this on school property. Aiden you need to leave you graduated last year." A teacher says standing in front of them after at least ten minutes. Why the hell didn't he come sooner?
"Come on I was just giving Tommy his lunch." Aiden whines still grinding on Tommy.
"Now you have and now you need to leave."
"But what about his dessert?"
"You can give it to me later baby."
"Okay don't forget." He says before kissing him lightly.
See this is what I want. I want someone to love me. Sadly it's something I won't ever get.
"Oh trust me I won't forget."
"Alright come on you to we need to head to class." I say picking up Kaila's tray and dumping it for her right before the bell rang.
Alright History here I come.

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