Chapter 5

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Nina's P.O.V

Its been a week since the sleepover, I would say nothing has changed but that would be a lie. My dad has been more involved in my life and it's great but I don't think I can handle it.  The constant reminders that I can tell him anything, the guilt I feel for not telling him anything. Why don't I tell him what is going on? Becouse I know this is temporary. He will get involved and then leave that is how it has always been. But other than that the dreams have turned to nightmares and they are occurring almost every night and the icing to the cake would be Kaila is ignoring me more than usual.

"Nina!" Somebody hollered. Right now I'm curled up on the Spanish room floor, in the corner trying to take a nap. Key word: trying.

"What the hell do you want!" I not so nicely said back, opening my eyes to see that the devil is Tommy.
"Wow, ok. Look the bell rang and you need to get up." Nope, I don't have the patience to deal with this crap right now.
"You have to do two things before I get up."
"What" he groaned.
"First kick everyone out and lock the door, second hand me my backpack." He was going to question me but after a glare he went and did as I said. Opening my back pack I pulled out my water bottle, checked that it is empty (thankfully it was) then pulled out my bottle of vodka and a bottle of coke, before mixing it 80 to 20. 80 percent of it being vodka.
"Okay your good." But all Tig did was stare at me wide eyed. "What?"
"You-you have a bottle of vodka at school. Are you insane!?"
"Insane no, crazy yes. Now they are banging on the door so before they start thinking we are having sex can you unlock the door.
"Put your crap up first." After I did so he did as I asked.

"What the hell!" One of the kids asked. She was a rule follower so I wasn't surprised.
"Finally fucking somethin' with a vagina. Good job man." One of the football players asked. I just drank my vodka as Tig pretended to throw up. You see Tig is a good person. No one gives him shit about being gay or about dating a stripper. In fact the one kid who did moved becouse he was so terrified of getting his ass beat by the team captains, all of them. So that is why neither of us took offence to this situation although it did not make any less embarrassing.

Drinking alcohol at school during a class with an insanely strict teacher is never a good idea. Especially when the person ends up getting drunk and parents end up getting called.
"What the hell were you thinking!?" My mother shouted as we pulled into the driveway of our house.
"M-me sorry." I say with a puppy pout but I couldn't last long before I erupted into a fit of giggles.
"You are such a disappointment Nina. You never do anything that I ask." She muttered before getting out of the car. That one hurt even with me being drunk it hurt and as tears filled my eyes I pulled my phone out and texted Tig.

"Come get me, I'm done."

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