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That summer afternoon,
I was having a good time,
When a friend of mine asked
“Don’t you write anymore?”
“Well”, I replied
“I can’t write stuffs I don’t feel”
As we hung up, I remembered,
Those days, when I felt
Both hate and love,
And when I wrote.
Before I was over him,
Before I forgot his memories.


I jumped off the bed,
Retrieving my dairy,
Reading all the poems I had written,
When I used to write,
And one at a time,
The memories can back again.
And I cried, as I used to cry,
I cried in a long time.
Not for those memories; No,
I have cried enough for them,
I cried of self-pity.


Because I knew,
I was trapped,
In this vicious cycle,
Of struggling to forget,
and wanting to remember,
For I knew.
I was doomed forever,
In your love; By your love.


Hey everyone...

Thanks for reading. Well, It's Thursday and there is another poem. Do let me know how it is.

And Casey, your payment. Thanks for the awesome cover pic.

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