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Helena stared out the window, sitting in silence with her brother Sam. He drove with a steady, single hand, never so much as glancing away from the road. Now 23, he graduated top of his class, and was working as a teacher in the 4th grade.

Helena, on the other hand, was only just starting college, getting in on a sports scholarship. She had never lost a volleyball match, and didn't intend to anytime soon. That included today, at the first match of the year.

Sam parked, looking over at Helena.
"Hey. You'll do great. I have to run some errands, but mom and dad are trying to attend."

"Well, obviously I'll do great, but will you be able to see any of it? You haven't come to a match in so long. You were my greatest fan. Emphasis on were." She answered.

"I try, you know. Cut me some slack. Being a teacher means work, materials, everything graded and provided. I don't think there is a more stressful job. If you don't educate the kids right, you mess up their ability to advance, and end up ruining their chances of being a successful individual."

"Fine. I'll leave you to it. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." He answered, before she left the car, slamming the door. She walked into the court, placing her duffel bag on the sidlines. Her team quietly awaited her, grinning at her punctual attendance. She could hear the blast of her brother's radio before he drove away, running some "errands." Helena shook her head, clearing thoughts of her disappointment away. It was time for volleyball, and nothing else. Her team stood on the court, shooting death glares at the opposing team. One woman though, wore a slick, black baseball cap and dark glasses, making her face unreadable and indistinguishable. Helena felt a shiver run up and down her spine and arms. Something didn't feel right. She ignored the feeling though, telling herself it was just another match, and just another player to beat. A mysterious player. The whistle blew and the game begun.

2-0. This was the worst game Helena had ever played. This person was having a small effect on her, but it was persistent, causing her to lose focus and points. She couldn't quite tell what that mysterious woman was strategizing, but the rest of the team paid her no mind. It was as if they could not see this woman, as if she was only a figment of Helena's mind.

3-0. If this kept up, they would lose. The referee called for a break. The woman walked to Helena.
"Bad game? Meet me in the bathroom." She said.
"Wh-" But the woman had simply disappeared. Helena knew she shouldn't go into the bathroom, but a strong, otherworldly force seemed to pull at her body. She pushed the door that closed herself off from whatever awaited her in the bathroom open, mentally, and physically preparing herself for what came next. The woman appeared again from a stall.
"You were the best player I'd ever seen. Today I thought I'd have some competition. I was wrong. You're just as bad as all my other opponents. You know how much I looked forward to this? I figured: hey! Maybe she'll be the one to break my winning streak, my binding chain to this world. But no. I never have been that lucky." She said.
"Do you need to talk to someone? Cause I'm happy to suppor-"
"NO!" The woman cut her off. She grabbed Helena's neck between her hands. "I've had enough. This is your punishment for failing me, like all the others." She squeezed tighter, until Helena was knocked out. She took her hair, ripping it from Helena's scalp, before sliding a small surgical knife from her back pocket into Helena's eyes, cutting them out with a clean precision that can only come from years of practice. The woman sighed in relief, dropping the eyeballs into her mouth, savoring the delicious squish of the eyes between her tongue and the top of her mouth.
"You should have beat me." She said, and disappeared.

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