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Welcome to omegle !!!!

now if you don't know omegle is this site you go on and chat with random people and you can put in your interest and find people who like the same things as you most people just have there dicks out but I've met some pretty cool people on there. Also, it'll be like the year 2018 in the book but calum will be like 18 so like he was born in 2000 instead of like 1996 like he actually is so like remember that please :) .

     !! D I S C L A I M E R !!

now this book will be very sexual if you couldn't tell already. There will be sexual content talk about depression, anxiety, and some physical violence. If you don't want to read about that stuff don't read my book simple.

there will be smut a lot of it lol and yeah if you ever have any suggestions or comments feel free to message me.

and yeah you should be able to see the cast but if you can not

Lottie will be played by me.

okay, that is just because its easier to describe someone if it's myself so deal with it :)

Hazel her best friend will be played as Kelsey Simone

Hazels step sister, Alex will be played by madison beer.

okay ? okay.

-Keke 🌻💫

omegle  - Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now