Chapter 28: A New Chapter

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For a while I just stood there with so much guilt and anger at myself, I thought about my situation, about why I shoudn't just run after Bella and apologise and beg her to forgive me but then I reminded myself, this was a lone fight. Chloe was a mess I'd created, she wouldn't be after Bella if I hadn't fallen in love with Bella in the first place or dated Chloe. No matter how much I contemplated telling Bella everything, I couldn't get her involved, I had to deal with this mess myself and despite never doing it in my life, I'd have to pray that Bella forgives me after this.

I gripped onto either side of the closet putting all my force into pulling it out and managed to pull it out an inch. Damn, was it heavy. I sighed, taking a deep breath and pulled once again forcing yet another inch. I moved near the back to try and get my hand through the back. This was definitely it, behind something so heavy, this was the perfect hiding place. I stretched my arm as far as it could go but it didn't go very far, the space was too narrow. I went back to the front pulling as much as I could with all my strength and will power pulling it a good couple of inches out.

The gap now was much bigger, more than enough to get my hand through and yank off the picture frame. My body couldn't get through yet of course but if it was something small, I could manage taking it out.  It was dark so I couldn't see anything too clearly but it was definite that there was some sort of small hole

I reached inside the hole and felt around, it was very small and I couldn't really feel anything until I place my hand on a small piece of paper, I grabbed it and took it out opening up the wrapped up paper, with a phone number written on it labelled "Mum". For a second, I was disappointed but most of all confused. All this trouble just to hide her mother from everyone? I wasn't really sure if this had anything to do with Bella but I had a lead and I needed to follow it.

I slid the piece of paper in to my pocket and pushed the cupboard back as quick as I could placing everything else how it was before and quickly leaving the room.


Wiping the tears flowing down my cheek with my sleeve, I rushed down and went straight to the girl's washroom locking my self in a stall and sliding down to the ground. How could Ashton say something like that? When he came to visit I thought maybe he was apologising, and even though he didn't the entire time, I could see so much guilt in his eyes and it gave me hope that he still cared about me but after he said what he did, I knew ... Ashton was gone.

I dropped my head into my folded arms on my knees and continued weeping, what Ashton had said really got me and I couldn't help but think that he's the way he is now because of me, because for the first time in his life, he opened his heart to someone and I broke it. But despite that, I didn't deserve to be hurt and I couldn't believe he could say something so impolite to me.

I few minute later I hurt a loud rough knock on the stall door, and heard Luke's voice yell "Bella?"

I sniffled and quickly wiped my tears, trying to keep my voice as normal as possible, but came out sounding as croaky and whimpery as ever, "Luke, what are you doing in the girl's washroom?"

"Some girls told me you ran in here, and I know you've been crying. What's wrong?" He said in a soft and sympathetic voice.

I stood up opening the stall door and flung myself on to him gripping him with all my strength. He was always so soft and warm and gave me the sense of security every time I was close to him and he was always there for me, even when he didn't know the whole story. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around my waist, before one game up to head gently stroking as I continued sniffling.

"Can you tell me what's wrong, Bella?" I heard him ask.

"It's a long story, can we go to your room first?" I asked lifting my head from his shoulder as he wiped the tears from my cheek and smiled at me, nodding.

"Of course, deary" He said letting out a chuckle.

"Deary?" I let out a laugh realising how silly that sounded.

"Now there's that dazzling smile I love to see" He whispered making me smile even wider, before escorting me out of the washroom. Just as we were about to leave, some girls were walking towards the washroom and when seeing Luke, there eyes widen and they turned out scurrying away, freaked out making both me and Luke fall into hysterics.

After laughing so hard and looking back to see where they had gone, I managed to see Ashton walking towards me in the distance, he reached his hand up trying to tell me to hold up because I'm guessing he wanted to talk. But I was done with Ashton, I was going to start a new chapter of my life.. with Luke, and only Luke. I held Luke's hand and took him away in the opposite direction

"What was that?" Luke asked in confusion.

"I want to get away from someone" I told him as I carried on gently pulling Luke into the boy's room hoping that we had lost Ashton.

"Wait, Bella, who?" He pulled me back turning around and scanning the area to see who was chasing us, but thank god Ashton wasn't there.

"I'll explain! C'mon" I said as we carried on walking up to his room.

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"Ashton said that?" Luke asked his eyes widened and anger shone on his face as I nodded, "But he'd changed and besides he cares about you, why would he say that?"

"Well clearly he doesn't care about me." I mumbled under my breath as I sat on Luke's bed picking on a strand of string falling from my bracelet.

"Listen, Bella. You don't deserve any of this, you don't. I know how hard it is for you to see him with your enemy but you and Chloe need to move on, leave your differences behind-"

"I will never forgive that... that... that brute!" I yelled in anger crossing my arms.

"Brute?" Luke asked in confusion, "Brute?"

"A monster... a sadist.." I explained, hoping he would catch on.

"You're so cute when you're angry" He smirked, gently pinching my cheeks. I pushed his hands away in annoyance, growling slightly.

"Stop, this is serious" I sighed, giving him a a quick glare.

"Oh! Is it?" He said in amusement as he started tickling me making me fall back onto the bed yelping before breaking out in laughter and a flopping around on the bed.

"Stop!" I laughed after a while gripping onto his hands.

"Got quite a grip there, princess" He chuckled making me giggle as well. This 'princess' nickname was getting quite common lately, and it was really ironic considering he doesn't know that I am a princess.

"I'm so lucky to have you" I smiled gratefully at him sitting back up before he placed a hand on my cheek.

"I love you" He said leaning in for a kiss.

Everytime Luke leant in for a kiss, I always had this short hesitation, it was as if it didn't feel right and I wasn't supposed to kiss him but I did anyways because I knew I loved him, I guess I jsut didn't know in what way, yet. But with Ashton out of my life now, maybe I could finally find my feelings for Luke without my feelings for Ashton intruding. I was determined to give back to Luke the love he was giving me.

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