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Before I could say anything, he grabbed my hands and dragged me into his car.

"I really missed you.." he mumbled.

I just went silent and pretend not to hear him

"Yah Cassyy don't you really remember me?" He held my arms and turn me around to face him.

His eyes were teary and lips were shaking a bit

"......" I just look back into his eyes cause I didn't know what to say.

I tried grabbing his arms so that I can remove his hands off me

"Awwwww! Stop it!" He whined in pain.

"What?? What did I do?!" When I look down to my hands, I saw a blood

My eyes widened and take a look at his arms.

I gasped
"Yah!! Your hurttt!!" There's a large wound on his right arm. I didn't know what to do. I'm freakin out right now cause I know I'm the reason why he got that.

"Gwenchana(its ok)" he gave me an assuring smile and start driving.

"Wait, where are we going? I don't know you, stranger!"
I yelled at him

"Calm down, please? I'm taking you in my place, I know you, you don't know where to go rn" he told me while his eyes were still on the road.

"And I'm going to explain anything later" he added

I didn't say anything, my head hurts and I'm so tired physically and mentally.

I saw a tissue box laying on the floor, I pick some and remove the blood on my hands.

"Are you really ok?" I can't keep off my eyes on his wound. I'm so worried about him.

"Yeah." He says with a straight face.

After a few minutes, we were already at his place. The ride was quiet and awkward. neither one of us tried to speak up.

Once we entered the house, it was really quiet, I don't think his parents were here

"Where are your parents? Are you living alone by yourself?" I ask him while we both walking towards the sofa

"No I'm not living by myself, well umm kinda. I live with my parents but they're always not home, they were so busy all the time because of their company" He told me while he was turning on the tv.

"Hmmm" I just nodded and went silence

"Stay here, I'm going to get something" he runs upstairs

"Okay" I responded

While he was gone, I noticed that he has a very big house or should I say a mansion?. there were so many paintings on the walls, all of the decorations were fancy. They have this super large tv in front of me which make my jaw drop.

'Damn..this man is rich as hell' I thought

"Here come closer" I snapped in my thoughts when I heard his voice

He pulled me closer to him and started to roll up my sleeves

"What do you think you're doing?!" I said

"You have a freakin wound on your arm! So shut up and let me clean it for you!" He snaps back

"What do you mea-" when I take a look on my left arm, there was a scratch, it's not deep or anything. It's just a SCRATCH. I think that's why I didn't feel hurt.

"No, it's ok. Give me that" I snatch the first aid kit to him and start cleaning his wound.

"You don't really need to do this you kno-"

"No.this is my fault......" I cut him off

"Biane(sorry)" I told him while I was still cleaning his wound

"Just let me do this ok? I feel very bad" I sighed




"....." he didn't say anything, which made me look at his face

I puffed my cheeks trying not to laugh at the sight of him.

"AHAHHAHAHAHAHAH" I burst into laughter and roll off in the sofa

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"AHAHHAHAHAHAHAH" I burst into laughter and roll off in the sofa

"What so funny?! Yahhh!! Pali! (faster!) finish this already! It hurts!" He yelled at me,he was really annoyed

"Araso araso ( fine). Chill!" I sat back down on the sofa and continue putting some ointment on his arm

"Gumawosamida..(thank you)" he told me once I finished wrapping his wound.

I just smiled at him and put the first aid kit on the coffee table.

"Please tell me who you are.right.now.please." I told him

"It's me, Jackson. Jackson Wang. Your childhood friend from Hong Kong. Remember now?" His eyes were staring at the floor, trying not to make any eye contact with me

"Wha-what? Jackson?"

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