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I know you like me

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I know you like me

"Yah, Jungkook-ah. You scaring me right now, you've been staring at nothing since you sit on that chair." Taehyung said to the boy sitting in front of him before digging to his food again.

His hyungs have been looking at him worriedly when they saw the boy who doesn't even want to touch his food. They just let the boy be, seeing his face dead serious, they don't wanna approach the boy. Because they might get a smack from him in return.

But Jin is not having it at all. He doesn't appreciate how he just play with his food using the fork, mixing it around.

"Yah! I've been cooking that food for hours just for you to eat and you just play it around like that?" The boys flinched, even Jungkook from the sudden loud voice from Jin.

"Jungkook-shi I know you have something in mind right now, but please eat. You didn't even eat your breakfast this morning either your lunch" Jin was about to speak more but stop himself from doing because he just want to eat peacefully and respect the food.

'I know that she like me, I also know she was making me jealous. I'm not that dumb to be fool by her stupid games. How stupid of me letting her see me cry like that just because- ughh. I've seen enough of it, you want to play like that Jaime? Fine then' Jungkook mentally smirk and started eating.

"O hey, Jaime is coming over tomorrow just to let you guys know" Taehyung cheerfully said

"Really? Should we go out or just stay and hang-" Jimin got cut off by the maknae

"What for? Doesn't she have those guys with her already? Those freaks who calling her babe blah blah. Tell her to hangout with them instead " he said rolling his eyes

"Yah! You're jealous aren't you?" Hobi tease

"NO!.... I mean no.. no. Not happening."

"Sure" Its this time for Namjoon to roll his eyes.

"You like her don't you?!" Jimin joined Hoesok, teasing the maknae even more

"Aish, Its obvious!" Tae joined, giggling "You guys are cute together you know"
He winked at the maknae once they meet each other eyes.

Jin is just watching but soon laughing at the boy who was red as tomato. He supposed to lecture them for talking while there was food on their mouths but seeing Jungkook embarrassed like this he just can't. He found it cute, seeing him having a crush on someone or he must say... love someone.

"I said I don't love her! NOT EVEN A BIT"
Jungkook whining, already annoyed by his hyungs.


"I love her!" He was in his room whining. "Why do I even like her?!" After minutes of thoughts about Jaime an idea pop up in his mind.

He grab his phone and dial a number that he thought he will never contact again. Not even a second, the person on the other line speaks.

"Hey babe, what's up. I thought you forgot about me" just by hearing her voice, Jungkook wanna gag with disgust. But he put it aside, remembering his plan for a revenge to Jaime.

"Mina, you free tomorrow?"

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