chapter 1

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It was noon in america and Thomas Jefferson was in bed drained of energy and motivation to do anything. The look in his eyes were dull and gray. The man was hungry but refused to get up. He's been like this since the 'incident' and has refused to move on or mend. The world continued on while he just had time stop in a way for him. He turned to his side in his bed, eyes red from crying most of the night. Dried tear stains visable and present on the mans face. He closed his eyes wishing to go back to sleep. He sighed as he stayed in the bed eyes open. He hugged his pillow still laying in the bed. Suddenly a knock was heard at his door and Thomas sighed. He got up and went to the front door bracing for the bright sunlight to hit him when he opened it. When he opened the front door, he saw his friend Lafayette wearing a blue and black scarf with a light jacket on top of his t-shirt and some jeans. "Mon'ami it's noon! You look like you just woke up!" Laf said worriedly. Thomas just stared at Laf silently asking him why he was here." I-I came to see you since you know.." Laf said giving Thomas a small smile. Thomas sighed and moved out from the door frame and gestured Laf to come in. Laf smiled and went into Thomas's appartment. Thomas closed the door and darkness swallowed the place." Mon'ami why do you keep it so dark here?" laf said squinting as his eyes ajusted to his surroundings." S-sorry I just....don't want to see the stuff in the appartment that belongs know..." Thomas said rubbing the back of his neck. Laf frowned at the response and said," Don't worry Thomas I understand....but you must learn to cope with it mon'ami. It's for the best...." Thomas sighed and gave a small nod. Laf went and turned on the lights lighting up the room. Laf looked around the place and it was quite dusty due to poor house keeping from Thomas,but Laf didn't blame Thomas since he was going through hard times." Anyways you must be hungry mon'ami! I'll go make us something to eat." Laf said heading for the kitchen. Thomas silently followed Laf trying to avoid eye contact with certain items in the appartment. He soon made it to the kitchen and watched Laf while leaning on the door frame. He thought about how cute Laf was when he was excited. Thomas knew he couldn't date Laf since he was already dating Herc, but he still thought of him sometimes. He was one of the two things that were important to him. they were the reasons why he wasn't gone yet. Thomas gave a small smile thinking about Laf and the good times the two had. Soon Laf had two plates of Mac and Cheese and Steak." Come and eat with me Thomas!" Laf said happily putting two plates of the meals down on the table and geting utensils for the two. Thomas nodded and sat down in a seat. Laf set down Thomas's utensil and then went to sit across from him. They ate and chat for a while until it was time for Laf to head home." I had such a good time today. Thank you for coming over Laf." Thomas said smiling to him leaning on the door frame." No, mon'ami thank you for letting me visit!" Laf replied. Thomas giggled and replied," Well you should visit more often then." They giggled and said their goodyes before Laf headed home.Thomas closed the door in a happy mood. It had been quite a long time since he was in one to be honest. Thomas walked up to the light switch and put is hand on it freezeing for a bit. He gave some thought about turning the lights off and decided to just leave it. He then went to the bathroom to shower.

Laf soon got home to see his bf Herc watching tv in the living room. Herc look to Laf and said," Where were you?" Laf put his stuff up and took of his shoes saying,"I was at Thomas's place. I texted you about it earlier did you not get it dear?" Laf asked a bit confused." My phone died sorry babe." Herc replied." So how is he?" Laf smiled and sat on the couch cuddling into Herc." He's doing better. I think i should visit him more often. I think I'm helping him out through his rough times mon'amour. Is that alright?" Herc took a second before replying with a yes. Laf cuddled closer to Herc and said," Thank you my love." Soon the two fell asleep in each others arms.

Thomas finished showering and got on some boxers before heading to his bedroom. He turned out the lights and went to bed only after he took a long look into the hallway with most of the items that belonged to his old friend and roommate before the inccident. Thomas gave a small smile as he went to bed thinking about Laf.

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