chapter 2

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Thomas woke up in bed panicked. He had a terrifying dream although most would consider those a nightmare. The problem was that it was about his old love Madison. To Thomas, any dream about Madison was still a dream to him even if it was terrifying. His dream was about two friends beginning to have a conversation. The dream was still vivid in Thomas's mind as he remembered what happened.

" just move on for me"

" I can't love."

" Then forget me."

" It's not as easy as it sounds love!"

" Well all I am to you right now is a weight holding you down."

" Not to me you're not."


"love?" Thomas said turning to his left only to see another Madison.


"Thomas! Love!"


"Thomas, love!!!! Listen to me!!!"



After that was just darkness from the dream on. All Thomas could hear from that point on was the voices in his head threatening him and assaulting him to do things that he didn't want to do, but was a habit of his anyways. That was the end of the dream he had. He sat up in bed scared of the voices inside his head. He then heard them again.....THE VOICES.... 

" DIE!"



Thomas grasped his head as he tried to fight the thoughts off from his mind. He felt himself sweating as the voices got louder and louder. He them screamed," STOP!!!!" at the tops of his lungs as the voices faded away. Thomas breathed hard as he tried to calm down. He was then exhausted from the experience from earlier and sighed as he got out of bed. He put on some comfy shorts with no shirt and headed downstairs. He trudged to his kitchen wondering if there was really anything to eat. He opened the fridge to see that it was empty. Thomas sighed and closed it." Not like I was really hungry anyway..." Thomas said mumbling to himself.  He sat on his couch in the living room and turned on the tv to see the movie Moana was on. The movie was one of Madison's favorite few. Thomas gave a small sad smile as all the warm memories came to his head. There was then a knock on his door. Thomas sighed as he lowered the movies volume and headed to the door forgeting that he was shirtless( the first time i wrote this i wrote shitless XD).

He opened the door to see Laf there slightly blushing." Oh hi Laf. What are you doing here at.." Thomas said looking over to the clock before looking back to finish his sentence." 5:30 in the morning? Don't you usually get up around 6?" Laf gave a gentle smiling still blushing a bit." I have a interview early today and decided to stop by first before I go." Laf said happily. Thomas looked at Laf a bit surprised and smiled softly." Oh...Thanks for stopping by. Would you like to come in?" Thomas asked moving away from the doorframe smiling. Laf smiled brightly as he nodded and walked in." By the way Thomas You're shirtless!" Laf said as he rushed in. This caused Thomas to blush a bit realizing that it must of been because of him shirtless that made Laf blush.

Thomas closed the door and went over to his couch where Laf was sitting and sat next to him after he got a shirt on. The part that was playing was the scene where Moana was about to learn about her past. The sat and listened to the song that played hearing Alex's voice." Alex has become so popular lately." Laf said envious of Alex." Yea..." Thomas said not really interested. Alex had been a dick to Thomas ever since he got famous and it had slightly become worse since Madison passed since Thomas wasn't up to fighting or arguing with Alex without Madison to help him feel confident in himself. Madison was the reason Thomas was motivated in life. Madison was the only motivation that he had in life. Thomas always wanted to prove himself to Madison, but with him gone there was nothing for Thomas to prove in life anymore. A tear fell from his eyes as he thought about it." Thomas!" Shouted Laf getting Thomas's attention."Thomas are you alright?" Laf asked worried. Thomas gave a small fake smile and said," Y-yea! Just spaced out t-that's all!" Thomas said stuttering a bit.'damn...' Thomas thought cursing his stuttering. Laf gave a small worried look, but decided not to push the boundaries. Laf looked at the clock and looked panicked. "Shoot!" Laf said rushing to get his things." My interview is happening soon! Sorry for my abrupt leave Thomas I just forgot the time! I'll come by you later! Bye!" Laf said as he rushed out the door. Thomas just sat on the couch decoding the rushed message. As soon as he did, he sighed and gave a soft smile." See you soon too Laf...See you soon..." Thomas said looking towards his ceiling.

Moving on isn't easy....(Lafferson fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now