chapter 3

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Thomas sat there for a bit still looking at the ceiling. Then he randomly thought about Madison and when he left. He remembered what his friend Aaron Burr said over the one night when Madison didn't come home at his usual time that Thomas usually saw him.

"Thomas some time last night Madison breathed your name and like a flame that flickers out too soon he d-died he's g-gone..." Burr had said over the phone breaking apart near the end. Thomas just stood still phone still in hand as he tried to understand what Burr had just said.

Jefferson then dropped to the floor using his hands to try and hold him up. Although the phone was dropped a little away from Thomas he could still hear Burr speaking.

" Madison died due to a fatal heart attack he got in public. He apparently was also mildly depressed as what the doctors say. He apparently had faded cuts on his stomach." Burr continued in a soft voice. This hurt Thomas even more. How could he have not noticed his scars?! How could he not have noticed any of the things Burr told him?! Thomas was not only sad but upset. Upset at himself for not being there for Madison.

Thomas closed his eyes shaking the memories away. He looked at his phone seeing that it was about seven o'clock. He got up from the couch and went to his room and changed into appropriate outdoor clothing. Once done he headed out of his apartment for once. He locked his door and took a stroll down the street. He missed the cold fall air hitting his face and the fresh air. He walked until he saw his usual cafe Starbucks. He walked in, got a latte, and got a booth to sit at. He looked around the cafe and watched the events that were happening around him. Couples having moments, friends having fun, college students studying. He enjoyed observing his surroundings and seeing what was going on around him. Eventually a new customer came in and Thomas turned to see who it was. He was surprised to see that it was Laf! Thomas waited for Laf to order his drink before calling him to join himself at the booth. Laf sat across from Thomas with a slightly sad expression. Thomas had a concerned expression worried for his good friend." What's wrong Laf?" He asked concern in his voice."i-it's f-fine." Laf said stuttering, voice breaking a bit. This habit Thomas knew well. He knew that whenever Laf stuttered or voice broke that meant something bad had happened to him. "Laf I know something is wrong. Please. Talk to me." Thomas said taking in one of Laf's hand. Laf then had a look debating whether to tell Thomas the truth or not. Laf sighed before speaking." I-it's about Herc...." Laf began worriedly." I-i saw him with another person...a-and they looked s-so...i-intimate." Laf said breaking near the end. Thomas swiftly went to Laf's side comforting him. The two embraced each other. Laf crying his heart out while Thomas whispered sweet nothing into his ear. After sometime Laf calmed himself down to soft sniffles as Thomas held him close." T-thank you T-thomas." Laf said sniffling and leaning closer to Thomas. " No prob laf." Thomas replied giving Laf a small smile. They stayed like that gazing in each others eyes for a while before Laf broke the stare." W-well I s-should start heading h-home." Laf said nervously." Hey Laf want to stay at my house tonight?" Thomas asked caring about the small French idol. Laf silently nodded appriciating Thomas's request. Thomas let go and went back to his side and got his items as Laf did the same. The two began to head out once again. As they walked Laf held Thomas's arm as they had a small chat. After sometime of walking and talking they noticed someone in front of them. They looked up to see someone they knew fairly well." Alexander?" Thomas said curious about why Alex was here. "  Hey." Alex replied bluntly." What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in Hollywood directing that new show you started?" Laf asked curiously." Yea but Washington wanted to visit family that lived down here before actually heading up to the studio and dragged me along alright." Alex said almost defensively." Ok, ok Alex. God. No need to sound so defensive gosh." Thomas said putting both hands up in defense. Alex looked away from them and said," S-sorry..." Thomas and Laf were quite surprised by Alex's apology. He never really apologised so this was new to the two." I'm only being nice to you Jefferson cause I know how it feels to lose someone you love! And Washington told me to..." Alex said reading their minds and saying the last part quieter. The fact that Alex knew how it felt to lose a love one was true. He had lost his boyfriend John Laurens in a terrorist attack, but Alex moved on still holding on to the memories through the transition." O-oh...well...thanks Alex." Thomas said giving him a soft smile causing Alex to blush and look away." It's nice to know that you care too." The two said their goodbyes to Alex as he did the same as they headed off to Thomas's house. When they arrived at Thomas's house, Thomas allowed Laf in and the two got ready for bed. Laf wore Thomas's clothing since they both wore the same size of about everything. Then they sat down on the couch and watched a movie together. And in watch as in the two talking with the movie as the background. Eventually Laf fell asleep and Thomas carried Laf to an empty room that use to belong to his old boyfriend Madison. He tucked Laf in before smiling and saying," Love you Laf." He headed to his room and fell fast asleep thankful for the French idol he loved.

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