chapter 5

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Thomas sighed and rubbed his eyes from how hard he was thinking. He couldn't come up with anything to help save his top rated show. Suddenly his doorbell rang as if on queue. Thomas got up from his couch tiredly and went to open the door. He rubbed his eyes once more to make sure he would be awake. He opened the door and saw Burr standing there." Aaron what are you doing here? Weren't you busy with cases?" Thomas asked confused as to why one of his pals was standing in front of him. 

Aaron Burr was a popular lawyer and was very famous for his  being succinct and persuasive. Several top end business' had him as their lawyer and with it came a lot of paperwork for the man to fill out." It's my off day Thomas, so I came to spend some of it with you." Aaron said with a smile. Thomas felt touched by his friends deep care for him and he smiled slightly forgetting his troubles,slightly." Thanks let me go put something on and I'll be right out here in a jiff." Thomas said gesturing to inside his house. Aaron nodded and Thomas allowed him to enter the home to as he went to get ready. Aaron looked around the house taking off some gloves and his hat." Your place never stops to amaze me Thomas." Aaron said with a light laugh." How have you been recently?" Aaron said hoping to not step over any boundaries with Thomas and the recent 'Incident'. Surprisingly Thomas replied fairly cheery to Aaron which slightly startled him." I'm actually doing much, much better actually Aaron thanks for asking." Thomas replied from his room as he got some warm clothes on. 

One Thomas finished getting some decent clothes on, the two headed out to the streets and walked around. It was still pretty early so the sidewalks of New York weren't as packed as it is during the evening." It's a lovely day isn't it Thomas?" Aaron asked smiling at the weather. Thomas nodded and replied saying," Yes it is isn't it." The two had small talk about their jobs as they walked around the city and eventually went to an Italian restaurant which was one of thomas' favorite. " I haven't been here in a while." Thomas said with a small smile looking around the place from where they sat." Yea, I noticed and wanted to take you back, you know, for old time sake." Aaron commented. That got Thomas thinking of Madison again. How it use to be the three of them together eating at this place and how much they all enjoyed it. Thomas' smile faded as he thought back to the good times the trio had. He was snapped out of thought by Aaron who had held onto Thomas' had." It's alright Thomas." Aaron said softly for only their ears." I miss him too." Although Aaron didn't spend as much time with Madison as Thomas did, Aaron was still very good friends with Madison. The two spent the rest of their time together talking about the good times they had with Madison. They laughed and sometimes cried a bit through their meal reminiscing in the bittersweet times they once had.

It was soon reaching late afternoon and Aaron had some duties to attend to. The two got something to drink from Starbucks and said their farewells. When Aaron left, Thomas checked his phone to see if anyone had tried to reach him during his time with Aaron. He saw that he had received some texts from Laf and decided to call him. Thomas' phone rang as he walked down the busy streets of New York and soon Laf answered." Hello?" said the voice on the other end of the phone." Hey Laf, It's me Thomas." Thomas said with a soft smile. He was glad to be talking to his favourite frenchmen after the slightly long eventful day of his." Hello Thomas! How was your day?" Laf asked energetically. Thomas gave a soft giggle at Lafs' enthusiasm and said," It's going great. How was your photoshoot?" Laf made noises of excitement and said." It was amazing! They said I was a natural!" Thomas gave a soft smile and said," That's great!" Laf began to lead the conversation by saying," How are your shows? I heard that one of them were going to be cut?" That caused Thomas to freeze a bit.' Shoot!' Thomas thought to himself. How could he have been so blind and forget the one thing keeping him in check?! He then heard Lafs' voice from the other end of the phone saying,"Hello? Thomas?" Thomas replied saying," Yea,yea sorry. They're not going so well..." He stated." One of my big shows might get cut if I don't come up with something new for it soon." Thomas explained to Laf. Laf gave a big gasp and said," I'm coming over tomorrow to help you come up with ideas okay Thomas!" The Frenchman said. Thomas tried to reason with the frenchman by saying," You don't need to Laf It's fi-" Only to be interrupted by the energetic man saying," No way! I'm going to help you whether you like it or not! Tomorrow I'll be there! Bye!" With that the frenchman hung up from his end of the line. Thomas hung up his end standing still and dumbfounded by Lafs offer to assist him. He shrugged gave a small giggle to himself seeing how persistent the man was. Thomas then whispered to himself saying," Guess I'll be having guest over tomorrow." as he continued to walk home. 

Once home, he walked in and said," Babe I'm home!" only to get no response. He then remembered how lonely he was once more. He locked his door and went straight for a nice hot shower to clear his mind from the days events. Although the whole day was amazing, he still felt as though he was missing a piece of himself. It was hard to ignore it since the feeling followed him everywhere he went and wouldn't stop festering with him. he closed his eyes as he showered trying to relax himself which he was successful in. He stepped out of the shower feeling a bit sad but also glad. it was a bittersweet feeling to him as he put on his sleeping clothes and prepared for bed. Before he tucked himself in for sleep, he looked at a old framed photo of Thomas and Madison that was laid on display in his room. It was taken from their travel to France for most likely their third time. It was hard to keep count since they went there several times. In the photo, the two of them made a gigantic heart while in front of the Eiffel Tower. It was beautifully shot and it was one of their favourite travels. Thomas gave a bittersweet smile before heading of to bed hoping for sweet dreams.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello everyone BBOCs here to tell you that i'll be updating this and some of my other stories a bit now so no more cut of dead stories i hope! School is sort of getting in the way of these but I hope you enjoyed the story so far and if you did give it a vote!

Until next time my good friends! Bye!~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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