chapter 4

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Thomas woke up feeling more upbeat than the last few days. Thomas got up out his room and headed to check on Laf only to learn that he was already up. Before he went to check the kitchen, he observed the room looking around at the interior decoration and all the items that use to belong to Madison. He didn't want to give any of the items away due to the strong sentiment holding him back. He felt his chest tighten as the voices can back slowly. Thomas shook his head as he left the room to the kitchen. His mood faltering due to the earlier event. When he entered the kitchen, he saw his favorite French fry cooking something up." Good morning Laf." Thomas said smiling and leaning on the door frame. Laf turned slightly startled by Thomas's appearance at the door." Good morning Thomas! I didn't expect you to be up so early!" Laf said feeling bad for what he thought." No it's fine I understand where your comeing from and I don't blame you." Thomas said chuckling a bit. He went up next to Laf to see what he was up to." So what are u cooking you ray of sunshine?" Thomas asked smiling and feeling a little giddy." I'm making us some waffles with sausages!" Laf said happily. Suddenly Thomas's mood went slightly sour." Oh..." was all Thomas could muster up mood falling. Laf suddenly realized what he did and felt bad instantly." I'm so sorry I didn't realize it earlier I thought I would just...!" Laf began feeling terrible with what he had done." I-I didn't mean to make your situation worse I just..." Laf said is voice quivering feeling very regretful for his actions." I just wanted to have a nice breakfast in memorial for him...and for you...hoping for you to..." Laf said not finishing his statement. Thomas sighs trying to calm himself hoping he could help himself calm down despite his shaking. He tried his best to be calm." Listen Laf I don't blame you...let's just...go on and enjoy ourselves okay?" Thomas said still slightly shaking. Laf nodded and finished cooking and placed their meals on plates to the table and Thomas set the table with utensils for the two. The two sat down and ate talking to each other giving small talk with silence in between.

After a while' Laf checked the time and noticed he was late for his photo shoot." I'm so sorry Thomas but I need to rush again. I have another photo shoot today and I'm running a bit late sorry!!" Laf said as he swiftly grabbed his items and rushed  out the house. Thomas waved to Laf as he left and sat at the table and looked at his meal. He ate in silence and cleaned up the dishes once he was finished.  He then headed to his room and decided to clean it in silence trying to keep his thoughts at bay. As he cleaned, he thought about Laf and the busy schedule he had.

' maybe it's a bad idea..' He thought as he cleaned his room. He held a special place for Laf but since Laf had such a busy schedule, he thought it was best if he didn't get too involved with the man. Laf was now a rising star and he was getting lots of requests for magazine modeling and ads. Thomas on the other hand was a minor director who worked on small TV productions. Thomas then heard a notification from his phone. He picked his phone up to see a message from his agent.

A: hey how's everything going?

Thomas looked at the message thinking of a way to respond and what this convo would be about. Usually his agent never texted him unless it was important.

J: I'm doing a little better. Why? What's up?

Thomas awaited for the response.

A: of your TV shows might get cut due to the low rating it's getting.

Thomas looked at the message very concerned. If it was cut, it would be a huge crash for him.

J: wait why is it getting low ratings?

A: I guess people just aren't interested..

Thomas dropped his phone down next to him on his couch as he felt defeated. Getting a show canceled would cost him a lot so he had to think of something quick.


Hi it's me BBOCs and just wanted to say thank you for the support for this story! I made this on a whim of creativity but seeing how much y'all enjoy it I'll work on it more! If you all have any creative ideas please comment them so I can see them! I love to get ideas to help spice my stories up!

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