Chapter Four

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Nightmare's POV-
     When the strange Sans cuddled into my chest I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked the other way so he didn't notice, I hope he didn't.
    I set him back down on another branch. He clawed me jacket when he glanced down. I put my finger under his chin and lifted his head. "Dont look down." I said. After a little while, it was time.
    I pushed someeaves behind and helped the Sans to his feet. He saw the view and stood there . . . Speechless. "Nightmare." He said almost a whisper. I looked at the view myself. . .

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. . . The sun was setting in the waves of the ocean, making the sky turn an array of firey colors. The moon was rising and some stars came with it.
    "Killer." The strange Sans said. I looked at him, confused. "My name is Killer." He said again. Killer snuggled into my jacket and I smiled. We watched the sun set and the stars spear like magic.
Killer's POV-
     The sunset was beautiful, more than that. I still felt uneasy from being so high off the ground. Then without thinking much I snuggled into Nightmare's jacket. We stayed like this until the sun completely disappeared.
     I was about to pull away from Nightmare when we fell! I panicked and tried to turn around so my head was in Nightmare's jacket but some of his tentacles were wrapped around my waist. I shrieked as the ground hustled closer and closer.
     Just before we hit the ground, we stopped. The grass grazed my shoe toe. I pushed Nightmare's tentacles, he didnt resist, and ge let me go. I collapsed on the ground. "I s-still don't like h-heights." I stampered.
    When I got up to my feet Nightmare held out hid arms. I rolled my eyes, but accepted his hug. After a while I pulled away and teleported.

Nightmare x Killer High school RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now