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The next morning was horrendous.

Miya would NOT stop complaining about who knows what. I dragged myself out of bed and made us all pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, and toast. I would hope that this would bribe her to shut her mouth, which did.

Miya shoved her face full of food before she went back to her room and started playing games on her iPad.

"Thank you for breakfast, Emily." My mom said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, of course. Anytime." I said as I continued to butter my toast.

"Well, I was thinking that all of us could go out today, maybe grab some lunch at a local diner?" She suggested.

"Sounds wonderful."

"Oh, and don't worry about doing dishes hun, I got them."

"Thanks." I said with I smile as I put my dishes in the dishwasher and collected dirty pans and placed them in the sink. I changed out of my pajamas into a white crop/tank top, with a light flannel over top. I rolled up the ends of my blue skinny jeans to complete the look as I put up my long brown hair into a ponytail.

Time lapse~ noon

Mom drove us to a small diner for lunch, we could've walked but decided otherwise. I held onto Miya's small hand as we crossed the street towards the diner. The interior of it was quite vintage. From the stalls to the flooring to the food.

My mom and I ordered a burger while Miya just stuck to her chicken nuggets and fries.

"How's your guy's food?" My mom asks.

"Yummy!" My little sister exclaims, biting off a chunk of chicken.

"Really good." I say in a more appropriate manner.

After finishing, our waiter takes away our food as I wipe my mouth with a napkin, mom dealing with the bill. We then get up to leave towards the car, once again holding onto Miya's hand. We walk through a patch of grass, as I'm trying to keep my white shoes from getting muddy.

I was honestly enjoying my time here a lot more than I thought I would.

"We should move here one day." I blurted out.

"Seems reasonable." Mom says as she looks up at the sky before getting into the car. I buckled in Miya before I hopped into the passenger seat, putting on my seatbelt.

"Thank you again for lunch, Mom."

"Of course, sweetie." We backed up out of the parking spot and drove down one of the many streets. I took out my phone and put it to the window to take a picture. When the light turned red, my heart stopped.

"Holy shit." I said, heart beating a million times per second. "Emily! Lang-" She stopped as she saw what I was looking at. I was lost for words, I couldn't even believe what I was seeing right now.

My mom immediately pulled into the nearest parking spot when her eyes made it's way towards mine.

"Mom. He's crying."

"Yes honey, I know-"

"I-I don't want to sound selfish or anything but.. I think I should go alone." She only nodded in response.

"What? What is it? I wanna see!" Whined Miya.

"Emily going to take a walk, she will meet us at home." Mom assured her.

"I'll be home soon." I say waving as I hop out of the car and make my way towards him. I hesitantly walked closer towards the tear stained boy.

"H-hey, are you alright?" I asked worridly. He looked up at me with his puffy, red eyes and shook his head no. Before I knew it, he took me into his tight embrace and sobbed into my shoulder.

Although this took me by total surprise, I immediately hugged back and rubbed circles onto his back to try to soothe and comfort him. I looked back to where my car is and saw my mom pulling out of the spot looking at me. I slightly shooed her away with one of my hands as she drove away, leaving us alone.

"H-hey, do want to talk about why you're so upset?" I asked the boy.

"L-lets go somewhere else." He suggested, his voice raspy from crying.

We separated from our hug and we walked together side by side to the park I visited the previous day. Eventually, he lead me to an unoccupied bench in the grass, in which we sat beside each other on. I honestly felt bad for him, it hurt me seeing him sad, nonetheless cry. Yet here I was, going to talk to him about his feelings.

"So.." I started. "What made you so upset?" I say, looking at him.

"I-I guess I'll start from the beginning.." He started hesitantly.

"So.. my co-star, who I'm very close with, turned out to like me, yet I didn't like her back. S-She got all mad and upset and.." He started to sniffle again. "And she started to call me names.. like- like... I don't even wanna say.."

I nodded slowly, although he probably didn't notice this because he was looking at the grass below.

"And so.." He started, but a tear that trickled down his pale skin prevented him from saying anything else. He brought his hands up to his face and started to let them fill with tears.

"Hey... it's alright.." I said putting a hand on his shoulder giving him a reassuring smile.

"T-thank you.. for understanding and all.." He replied in between cries.

"O-oh! I'm sorry.. I didn't even ask your name." He said in realization.

"Its fine, and also my name is Emily, thanks for asking."

"Wow." He said almost as if he was breathtaken.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"Oh! Sorry! Did I say that out loud..?" He said, disconnecting our eye contact and looking at his shoes with a crimson red face.

"It's fine, really." I chuckled.

"Yeah. Well anyways, my name is Noah. Nice to meet you."

Oof okay WOWIE. What I am really wanting to know is, DID YOU ALREADY KNOW IT WAS NOAH BECAUSE I TRIED TO KEEP IT AS LESS OBVIOUS AS POSSIBLE. anyways yeah I hope that this chapter wasn't too bad, I can tell you for sure this was better than the first one soo. I also struggled with using up the words in the story to make it more intersecting and longer because I didnt want to introduce Noah super early. Thats pretty much all I have to say soo

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