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We all meet up the next day in the hotel lobby. Finn and I were seated on the couch waiting for Noah to show up, and Julia if she's even going to come that is.

Honestly I bet she's the reason why Noah is late, because she's been overprotective with him. I don't get what Noah sees in her. Call me blind but she doesn't look all that great in my opinion.

"You know where Noah is?" I ask Finn, who was on the other couch across from me on his phone.

"No, he was acting weird this morning. I wonder what's up." He replies.

"Do you want to maybe call him? I would but I don't have his number so-"

"Okay." Finn says, most likely going to his contacts to phone Noah to tell him to get his ass over here. After a minute or so of whatever he soon puts his phone up to his ear as he waits for him to pick up.

He looks at me while I just wait for him to answer. He takes his phone away and taps the screen once before turning back to me.

"He didn't answer." He shrugs.

"Oh, uhm, what do you want to do then?" I ask, not knowing what to do at this point.

"I mean we can always go back to the room to se what he's doing. It's not like we aren't roommates anyways so it shouldn't be a problem." He says, getting up from the couch, me copying his actions.

We walk together to the elevator, Finn pressing the buttons that will lead us to the desired floor. Once the door closed, we remained silent before he started to speak up.

"So.. how did you guys met anyways. Noah, I mean." Finn asks.

"Oh, uhm, I was just minding my own business, walking around the city or whatever when I came across him. He was crying so I decided to go and talk to him to see what was wrong. We talked for quite awhile and became friends I guess." I explain.

"When was this?" He questions before the elevator door opens.

"Like, a couple of days ago." I respond as we walk down the hallway.

"Do you know why he was crying?"

"I don't know if I'm the right person to be telling you this, but apparently his co-star said they liked him but he didn't feel the same way so that person started to insult him or something." I say.

"Millie.." Finn mumbled.

"What?" I question considering I could hardly hear him.

"Oh, nothing." He says before taking out his keycard and unlocking his hotel room.

We step inside, not even bothering to take off our shoes because we're not expecting to be here for long anyways. We're just here to grab Noah and get the hell out. We didn't even really decide what we are going to to today, all we agreed on was that we were going to hang out, but didn't specify where.

"Noah?" Finn called, making his way to what appeared to be Noah's room. I followed as well, wanting to find out why he's so late.

Finn flicked on the bedroom lights which revealed a tired looking Noah scrambled in his blankets, half-awake and putting his pillow over his face to prevent the lights from his eyes.

"Noah, seriously?" Finn chuckled, going over to his bed and stripping him from his blankets.

"I fell asleep at 5:00am.." his raspy voice replied, rolling around on his bed.

"You have such a bad sleep schedule. Im no stranger to seeing your Instagram stories at like three, four am saying you can't sleep." Finn said.

"Check my story." He said, his voice muffled from the mattress.

"I already know what it is." Finn rolled his eyes jokingly. "Now come on, we have a day ahead of us."

(a/n i feel so bad for not updating sooner ahh)

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