A story

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"Let me tell you a little story about our alpha. I think you should know anyway." He said scooting up and sitting with his back against the headboard of the bed.

He patted the space next to him signaling me to sit there, which I did. I crawled over to the spot and sat down. He moved some strands of hair out of my face and sighed.

" A long time ago there was a pack. This pack was known as the New Moon pack. They were strong and fierce. This pack was undefeated, winning every war and claiming large amounts of territories. They didn't let anyone into their pack without proving themselves worthy. All the wolves in that pack were trained and bred to be warriors. Omegas were strictly forbidden as well.

Who lead such a strong pack of wolves you might be wondering. Well, his name was..." Jin hesitated before carrying on." Jae Hyun. He came from a pure breed bloodline, making him a powerful Alpha known as a blue blood.

Only rarely do alphas get mated to each other, since they're very dominant and aggressive.  Jae Hyun was mated to an alpha female and they had 2 pups. These pups would carry on the bloodline of the blue bloods.

They were expected to be strong and powerful, maybe even more than their father. In this pack, they weren't big on family. They focused on power because power is what allowed you to survive.

Jae Hyun didn't care for his kids like a father would. He used them as tools...Weapons. He made them fight for food, shelter, water. They were forced to stay alert. Not a moment went by where they could sleep soundly.

However the oldest, his name being Jung Hyun. Took care of his little brother. Sharing what food or water he got, and even sometimes dressing his younger brother's wounds. They relied on each other even though their father was against it because he thought it showed weakness.

Jung Hyun would often almost be beaten to death by his father. His mother would often try and defend him, but the blue blood was furious. Jae Hyun would abuse his children whenever they 'misbehaved' and Jung Hyun would sacrifice himself for his baby brother every time. This went on for years and years. Scaring both kids physically and emotionally.

Finally, when they both were past the age of 16 their father, Jae Hyun forced them to fight. This was a test to see which one would carry on the bloodline and which one would be...killed or banished.

This was the way the New moon pack followed. The brothers fought for hours until it was finally night and the full moon had risen.

Blue bloods aren't like regular wolves that tire fast, their stamina and strength could easily wipe out an army if they were to lose control.

The younger's stamina had run low. Jung Hyun was ordered to kill him in order to take on their bloodline as the superior Alpha.

Jung Hyun couldn't bring himself to execute his baby brother when he was down and his father didn't like what he did next. Not one bit.

Jung Hyun refused to carry on the bloodline. Yelling at his father for the way he had treated him and his brother. Jae Hyun had finally reached his limit and killed Jung Hyun without hesitation.

The poor boy had to watch as his beloved brother was decapitated by his father. The boy sat in shock watching his father's eyes become purple filling with bloodlust.

Jae Hyun went rampaging through the pack destroying and killing many if not most of the pack

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Jae Hyun went rampaging through the pack destroying and killing many if not most of the pack. When the young boy went to look for his mother she was being held by her throat at Jae Hyun's hand. Her last breath telling her son to run.

He ran off into the woods not looking back. The boy had finally neared a smaller pack. This pack was still large since the New moon pack was very massive. He had told the alpha of the pack what had happened, but the alpha refused to help. He gave no pity or care for what had happened.

He threw the boy out thinking he was absolutely crazy. He didn't wish for any commotion to begin within his pack either and even if the boy was telling the truth no other pack wished to be associated with the New moon pack because of their horrible ways.

The boy was forced to live alone as a rogue. No packs wanted to keep a 'monster' from the New moon pack.

He had finally given up on being accepted and turned cold and isolated.  Though he was strong physically he was very weak and venerable emotionally. He was never taught how to love or show feelings and because of what had happened he becoming completely isolated emotionally.

 The only people that he ever cared about was his mother and older brother, but they were gone now.

This boy was found and taken in after 5 years, by a rogue pack called BTS. They slowly year by year peeled back the many walls that the boy had put up to protect himself and became a family.

This boy's name being Jungkook."

The way to an alpha's heart {Jungkook Fanfic} Where stories live. Discover now