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Hi! sorry it took so long to update. its cause I just moved to a new house and we didn't have wifi for a week! ya, I was boared to death. Anywho, I would love it if you guys have suggestions, so I can write what you want to hear! Yay! Anywho thanks for reading! Here's the next chapter!

Kagura POV

When gin-chan and Shinpachi came home,they were both drunk, so the half fixed door and my blood stained dress didn't really matter to them. Gin-chan and Shinpachi passed out, so I took the chance to slip out to go to my new job

When I slid open the door, a cool breeze greeted my face. I stepped as quietly as I could outside. clinging the the railing, I put one foot after another on each step, one at a time. when I reached the street, I noticed the dead silence and how I was the only one on the street. it was around 11:30 and the abandoned government building was about a 20 minute walk. I think.

Time skip: 30 minutes

'Well that took longer than I thought' I think. it had been 30 minutes instead of 20 and the building had finally come into view. The building was really big, like i could get lost in it. and from the outside, it looked a total mess. It had many windows, but most of them were boarded up, and there were holes in some of the walls. I step forward and put my ear at the door.

"The new comer's late." Someone says. it was farmiliar. Oh! I remember. It was Abuto. "Guess they decided not to show. Well now I have to go take them by force."

The door slowly opened, and I backed away. Out stepped Abuto. He looked around then then his attention was focused on me.

"Well don't just stand there, get inside." Abuto says then smirks. "go introduce yourself." he bent over and put his mouth near my ear. "don't tell them your related to Kamui, okay?"

I simply nod and back away from him. I step forward and into the building. the lights are dim, and there's really nothing in there, apart from the Yatos, but a concrete floor and walls, with no window. All of the Yatos look like they're in their 20s-30s, with an occasional teenager. I was the only girl.

They all stare at me with wide eyes, and then a short one who looked thirty spoke.

"Your kidding." he says

Then one who looked 20, and was average height said, "That little girl beat you, Abuto?"

"Yeah right." one of the few teenage boys says. he was about average height for a teenage boy, with light blue eyes and spiky black hair. "That girl is probably not even a Yato."

That guy really pissed me off.
"Of coarse I'm a Yato! I yell at him. "Why would you think some random little girl would wonder to a place like this at this time at night!" I pointed my umbrella at him and breathed heavily.

Smirking, he says, "Oh yeah? Well then, Abuto," he then gestured his dark green umbrella towards Abuto. "Tell me, is she the one who beat you?"

"Yes." Abuto said plainly. "What's the point in arguing anyway? She is the new member who was chosen by Kamui himself. Do you not trust his judgment?"

That made the spiky haired teen surprised, and angry. He glared at me and I glared back. Our little staring contest was interrupted by someone who just entered the room.

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