- Komeda x Naegi (NSFW) -

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Note- This one shot will include smut so NSFW! 

"Guys, get a fucking move on already you fucking virgins!"Iruma boasted, as she dashed off towards the shopping centre with the others trailing behind her. "Come on, i wanna be the first one there!" 

"Iruma calm yourself, we'll be the first ones there!" Rantaro murmured, as he swiftly followed the frantic girl. As all 6 students began racing towards the sales their eyes darted towards their favourite shops. "Well, if you don't mind me i'm gunna go buy some incense!" Rantaro shouted, heading off into another direction. 

"Hippie fuck!" Iruma bellowed, chuckling to herself as she and Leon headed off towards the fashion section. "Come on Leon, we don't need these fucking looser's slowing us down."  

"See you guys later!" Leon sniggered, as he practically chased Iruma down the escalators towards the clothes sales. 

"Umm... Ibuki where are you going?" Naegi uttered, coming to a halt as he noticed that the 'day out with friends' turned into a sprint to the sales. "You're not leaving are you?" 

"You kidding me? I'm heading straight for the music sales, i need a new guitar and this is my chance!" Ibuki chuckled, winking at Naegi she darted off beginning to drool at the anticipation of a new guitar. 

As all four students dashed off in separate directions, Naegi was left alone in the centre of the sales. "Now what? I don't even like sales...." He muttered. 

"Hey, we can go to loads of sales together!" Komeda smiled, suddenly slapping his hand across Naegi's back startling the boy. 

"Where the hell did you come from?" Naegi blurted, as he scowled at Komeda for startling him so early in the morning. "You didn't even travel with us? I thought you were staying at school?" 

"I hitched a ride from a stranger, which turned out great because they were in charge of doughnut  delivery and they had some spare so i got to eat a load. They also said they could give me a ride home, if need be. Damm, i have the best of luck." Komeda giggled, grasping hold of Naegi's hand and dragging him up the stairs. 

"Lucky you......" Naegi sighed, as he began wondering where the boy was taking him. "Why are we heading towards Victoria Secrets?" Beginning to redden with embarrassment, Naegi swiftly let go of Komeda's hand and headed towards a different direction. 

"Come on Naegi, it'll be fun! We don't have to buy anything." Komeda cheered, grasping hold of Naegi's hand once again and dragging him into the shop. "Wow there's so much on sale! Maybe i should buy a few things?" Komeda muttered, grinning at Naegi cunningly. 

As Naegi began glancing around the shop his face began to flush, thongs, bra's and even sex toys were on full display. Trying to avoid eye-contact with the employees, he hid behind Komeda who was carelessly picking different items up and wondering around the toys. 

"Ohhh, i wanna try this on!" Komeda grinned, turning round to reveal a small, red thong with a lace rim. "It's so sexy!" 

"Isn't it a little small?" Naegi uttered, pulling his hoodie-sleeves down and covering his face in humiliation. He felt as though everyone was staring at him, judging him and his friend for looking at such items. 

"Nah, it'll work a treat!" Komeda chuckled, glancing up and down at Naegi as if measuring his body. "Let me just speak to the employee real quick." 

As Komeda dashed off to speak to one of the ladies working there, Naegi began worrying even more about being in the shop. The room was covered in smutty signs like 'Cum in here' and 'Turn me on', creating a very lewd atmosphere for Naegi. Frozen in embarrassment, the boy waited for Komeda, who seemed to be taking an exceedingly long time. Glancing up slightly, Naegi was stunned when he noticed the rubber dildo's on the shelf which were twice the size of his own. 'Fucking hell, i never knew they could be this big? '  Naegi thought, in shock and some what interest as he began to lean his hand towards the toys in curiosity. 

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