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Scenario 15:~

I sat in the soft, leather seat of the airplane, unsure of what to do with myself. My eyes hurt from reading with the movement of the plane and my ears had this weird pressed down feeling since the take-off half an hour ago. Don't even forget the gross faded flavour of the gum I was chewing.

I glanced out my window and saw nothing besides two different shades of blue that was the ocean and the white puffiness of the clouds. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be in someone else's place. Would I want to come back to this? Or would I stay and live out their life.

A sense of fear filled my stomach by the second as I had nothing to use as a form of distraction. Just the thought of the upcoming days brought a deep nervousness from inside but no one really knew. And I couldn't explain this feeling because they wouldn't truly understand unless it was actually happening to them as well. A slight bit of turbulence brought me out of that panic and another set in as I glanced out the window for the second time in the past five minutes.

White. Everthing was white as we flew into the clouds. When the plane shook again I shut my eyes, my stomach becoming queasy. Whether from the turbulence or the thought of stepping into that hospital, I wasn't too sure. I unbuckled my seatbelt, unable to stay in my seat for much longer. I got up and tried my best not to shake my sleeping mother. When I made it successfully into the isle without waking her, I let out a sigh and made my way to the back of the plane, to the bathroom.

I sighed and sat in one of the empty rows in the back to wait for whoever's in the bathroom to come out. When the door finally clicked and a man walked out, I stayed where I was to let the small room kind of air out since I wasn't sure what he did in there. After a few seconds I stood and somehow managed to fit in the small booth sized bathroom. I pressed the button so that water would come out the tap of the mini mini sink. I splashed some water on my face then dried it with a paper towel before stepping out of the small bathroom. The plane shook again, this time the turbulence was stronger so I stumbled a bit but I didn't fall.

I heard the small ding of the seatbelt lights come on and I tried my best to get back to my seat as quick as possible. Turbulence continuously shook the plane and when I finally got three rows behind my seat, I stumbled to the left and fell onto the person sitting in the end seat.

I looked up and everything in my brain just froze. His eyes were beyond gorgeous, his left eye reminded me of the evergreens back home while his right eye reminded me of the dark blue sky at night. His hair was so dark but it had a shine in it that just made you think that it was silky soft. His face had faded marks probably from teenage pimples but the marks just added to his perfect good looks. I knew he was fit, I could feel the muscle under his biceps since I was holding onto them. I finally realized that I was still on his lap and I scrambled up so that I would be standing in the isle.

"Sorry I uh-- I just, um.... Well I um--" I stumbled over my words, trying to apologize to this stranger who could be an Abercrombie & Fitch model. Before I could embarrass myself even more, if that's even possible, a flight attendant walked up to my side and interrupted my stuttering.

"Excuse me miss but I need you to take a seat immediately," she said and I turned to face her.

"Okay, but you're in my way to my seat," I responded and I was glad that I had no left over stuttering from earlier.

"No time, please just take the empty seat next to him," she said and gestured to the Fitch model.

"But I--"

"Miss, please just take the seat," she said, her voice a little more stern and I sighed in defeat.

"Okay, but can you just wake up the woman at the end and tell her that you made her daughter sit somewhere else," I said and she nodded before walking away to do as I asked.

I started to squeeze past him when the plane shook again and I stumbled forward. My face was centimeters from his, my hands pressed against his seat beside his head to keep me from falling on top of him again. Tingles were forming on my waist and that's when I realized that his hand was placed on my side.

"T-Thanks," I stuttered as I slowly moved away from him and into the window seat, leaving an empty space between us since it seemed that I was destined to keep falling on him. I buckled myself in just as the plane shook again. My eyes twisted shut as my hands balled into fists at my side.

"You don't like flying, do you?" a voice asked and I opened my eyes to see the stranger facing me with a questioning look.

"It's just turbulence together with some nervousness for something else," I said as the plane shook again and I could feel my nails diging into my flesh.

"So you don't stutter either," he spoke and I actually shot him a glare but he just chuckled.

"I'm James by the way," he told me and I frowned.

"That's nice and everything but I didn't ask..." I said slowly. I didn't want to seem rude or anything, but I was slightly on edge.

"Well that's too bad because now you know," he shrugged and I could feel my lip twitch as a smile wanted to take form on my face but I refused to let it show.

"I guess so," I mumbled. "Now would you please leave me alone?"

He nodded his head slowly and for the two minutes we were both completely still and silent. I didn't understand how I was capable of going from a stuttering mess to talking completely normal with this guy, James.

"So are you staying in Miami or passing through?" he questioned and I groaned.

"I thought you were going to leave me alone," I cried.

"I was but then I realized that I shouldn't waste this opportunity of talking to a girl as gorgeous as yourself," he said and I shook my head slowly.

"Real smooth. How many girls have you used that line on?" I questioned.

"Just you."

"That's probably a lie," I said and he shook his head.

"Nope, usually the girls come to me," he shrugged and I couldn't figure out if he was being cocky or honest or both.

"Whatever you say," I muttered, thinking that this time the conversation would be over but he continued to talk and stupidly enough, I continued to reply.

My nervousness was long forgotten and I barely paid attention to the plane when it shook. I sat there until the plane landed because the seatbelt light never came off and I coukd say that I wouldn't've moved if it did. Once the plane landed, I remembered the real reason I was here and the nerves came back.

I undid the seat belt and stood up awkwardly. I waited patiently as James got his hand luggage from the above compartment before walking out and following him down the isle. I stopped next to the row where I was previously sat at and pulled down my bag from above before placing it on my shoulder. I turned to see James still waiting on me and I smiled.

"You didn't have to wait," I told him as we continued to walk. We were now out of the plane and making our way to Customs.

"It's alright," he told me and we joined the long line. My eyes scanned further down until I finally spotted my mum.

"Well I have to go..." I started to tell him with a smile. "It was great meeting you, James."

I started to walk away when I felt a tug on my wrist and I turned to see James holding that very spot. I frowned, confused as to why he did that.

"I never got your name," he said. My frown disappeared and turned into a smile.

"And I never asked for yours," I shrugged before taking my hand out his grip and walking over to my mother.

Halfway to my mother, I glanced back at James. My last look at the Fitch model. He was smiling stupidly at nothing while shaking his head slowly and I felt a pang in my stomach. Maybe I should have told him my name... but no, there was no going back.

I tried my best to memorize his dark hair, his eyes colours, the way he stood and the sound of his voice. Because if I panicked or got nervous again my mind would go back to him. Back to the moment on the plane where he managed to distract me and calm me without even trying. I was thankful for that.

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