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A/N: Okay guys, just a quick short interruption.

I extremely suck at english so bare with me on this okay, this is my first levixeren story so no hate on it.

Okay then enjoy.

{ Eren }

"No stop, STOP LEVI"

"You actually think I'm going to let you go that easily" he chuckled.

I can't believe captain is doing this to me.  I looked up to him so much, and it turns out this is his true self.  He is my idol and I can't even recognize him anymore.  I'm strapped in bed on all fours while he continued to fuck me dry.  Blood is going down my thighs, it hurt so much and even though I pleaded him to stop he wouldn't.  He even got encouraged by it and continued harder. He kept moaning saying it felt good while all I could feel is pain.

I tried to get free but the handcuffs were to tight on me, he then pulled out right after cumming inside me and put me on my back.  He started reaching for his knife and wrote his name on my stomach. I screamed on the gag he put on my mouth and I had tears on my eyes going down my cheeks.

"Eren you belong to me you hear me, no one else" he said while forcing the knife deeper in my stomach.

"AGHHH, l-lvi pweass s-stp!" I yelled on the gag trying to make him stop.

"You're mine and mine only"

That was the last thing I heard before I black out.

I woke up crying , startled in the basement.  Even though I couldn't tell if it's still night or day I continued crying and clutching my stomach.  I looked down into my shirt and raised it, nothing, was that a nightmare again.  I groan and hug the pillow tightly silently crying.  Why do I keep having these nightmares about captain levi, their not real but I can't help to think about it, what if it is real?

"Hey brat"

I jumped and looked to my right looking at captain Levi.  I salute him while looking down, "y-yes s-sir!"

"Oi brat not that loud, it's still morning after all" .  So it is morning after all, he started getting closer to me but I stepped back.  He looked at me with his bored expression like usual and told me to change and get ready for breakfast.  He left and I breathed out not realizing I was holding my breath.

I started changing to my usual uniform, then went to style my hair trying to look decent, but my fringe wasn't haven't it so I just left my hair messy as usual. 

-time skip-

I started eating my usual breakfast making sure Sasha didn't eat anything, she's quite an eater. Damn, she could eat a whole horse and still not be full for crying out loud. I was with my childhood friends Armin and Mikasa but I wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about.  My mind just kept going back to that nightmare it even made me shiver a bit. 

"Eren are you cold, here wear my scarf" she said handing me her scarf.  She's too damn obsessed with my safety sometimes,overprotective over me which bugs me I'm not a goddamn child anymore! I still love her even if she is annoying and acting like my mother.

"No mikasa I'm fine" I said angrily pushing her scarf away.  She looked at me mad because I didn't accept the offer but I just ignored her and continued thinking about the nightmare.

"Eren are you alright" great another one.

"Goddamit armin I'm fine, both of you just leave me alone okay" I say to them and quickly leave the room.  I couldn't even finish breakfast, damn friends I have.  Although their not the ones to blame for my nightmares distracting me all the time.  I start walking back to the basement, today is everybody's day off so I'm going to sleep all day or should I say try to sleep.  While on my way I bumped into something hard and I fell.

"Ouch watch were you're goi-

Shit. It's captain.

"U-h I'm so sorry c-captain" I say while still looking down.  I quickly stood up and started running but was stopped by Levi grabbing my shirt pushing me against the wall. I yelped closing my eyes, expecting a hit or an insult. 

Nothing came, he just tightened his grip on my shirt, I slowly opened one of my eyes and looked at him.  He looked angry but he didn't say anything he just stared.

"U-um l-levi is there something o-on my f-face" I stuttered while looking down, he brought his hand into my face and forced me to look at him.  I closed my eyes and he punched my stomach.  I fell to the ground clenching it, "OI brat stand up" he said angry.

I slowly stoop up and looked down.

"Look at me" I shake my head and he got angry. " I said look at me kid!" He yelled grabbing my face to look at him.  I looked into his eyes and remembered the nightmare again.  I started feeling my tears going down my face, he just looked at me confused.

"Why are you crying? I didn't even hit you that hard, you've had worse" he said referring to the courtroom.  I just continued shedding my tears out until he let go of my face, I didn't respond to him.  He wouldn't understand even if I told him, it's not real but it still feels like it is.

"Hey brat answer me or else I'll hit you again" he grabbed my shirt and pulled me up from the floor.  "Nothing" I muttered, he didn't believe me so he dragged me back into the basement.  I started freaking out hoping my nightmare doesn't come true.

He threw me towards my bed and started getting closer.  "No, g-get away" I started crying again but this time louder.  He looked and me confused then he did the 'tch' sound he always does.

"I'm not going to fuck you, you idiot" he said gesturing to the blanket he was getting.  He then ordered me to lay down, he covered me with the blanket, took off my belts and shoes.  It felt quite weird with him doing all this without him hitting me.  When he was done he left without a word.

I kept looking to the way he left and decided maybe a nap will help me.  After all, I haven't been able to sleep well these past few weeks because of the damn nightmare. I hugged my pillow and slowly drifted off to sleep, hoping I won't wake up by a nightmare.


A/N: okay guys so this is what I did so far, I will try to edit but once again I'm not good at English so don't judge.

If you find a mistake comment, oh and don't forget to vote

I won't update too soon, but I'll continue this story.

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