Chapter 12-Meeting the Parents(or something)

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(A/N a Welcome to this Chapter guys)

(Last chapter)

When I got home I was so tired that I fell asleep on my couch. I had a dream too. It was nice until CHELSEA WOKE ME UP! "Osana, it's time." "Yeah time to sleep." "No time to meet my parents." Crap I totally forgot about that. "Go! Look descent please!" "Fine." I got out on a dress that was ok. I rushed out of the dollhouse and went to meet Chelsea. "Are you ready?" "Yes."

(Now on to the story)
Chelsea's POV

"Um, h-hey mom and dad. Uh, Good evening." "Good evening Chelsea." They both said. I'm so scared, what do I do? What if they don't want her here? What happens if they don't want me to be her friend? What happens if she messes up? Will she have to go home? What if she has problems with her parents? What if-? "Chelsea!" "Huh?" "Well, are you going to introduce her?" "Oh um yeah, sorry I spaced out." I signaled Osana to come out.

"Um hello?" She said it looked like she was nervous. She looked at me and we walked to the table together. "Where's your brother?" My dad asked. "He's always late." My Mom mumbled. " Sorry, I'm late!" My brother dashed down the stairs. "I thought Chelsea was going to be late again." "HEY! That's a little mean." "Yeah, that's rude." Osana told my brother. My brother was shocked. He pushed me and my chair away from Osana and so he could stand right next to her. "Well hello~" "Ugh, ever heard of personal space?!" Osana pushed him away and I move next to her. "So, you are Osana Najimi? Sorry if I said it wrong." "Yep, that's me. Um, do you wanna tell them, Chelsea?" Of course. "Not really." Osana looked at me them at my parents and back to me. It looked like she was gonna blow. "Actually, I'll tell them." "What do you have to say about this beautiful angel Chelsea?" "Can I please be excused from the table?" We all jumped. "Why, are you not hungry Osana?" "No, I just need to use the bathroom." It looked like she was in a hurry.

"Ugh DO YA HAVE TO FLIRT WITH EVERY GIRL YOU SEE?" I scolded my brother. That stupid child. "What? It's my nature." "Can it Liam!" "Enough you two!" Our mother yelled at us. This wasn't a good thing.

Osana's POV

I washed my face. Why would anyone think I'm... pretty. Ugh Osana, just get yourself together.

"Sorry about that." "Thanks for returning, now Chelsea, tell us about her."  Everyone looks at Chelsea, she looks nervous, she was sweating a lot. "Um... eh hehe, well uh, s-she is a well you can say Liam is kind of right about her." Liam jumped up and looked towards my direction. "Y-you're actually an a-a-angel." I rolled my eyes. "She said your kind of right, not completely. I'm not an angel, I'm a fairy ok?" "Wha-what?" "I'm sorry Miss Najimi but you must lying." Mr.Dasuza is so wrong. I was basically smirking right there. "Don't believe? Eh hehe. Well, you will soon. Heh." Everyone but Chelsea was worried. "Uh, m-miss Najimi?"

Right then and there, I transformed. "Wah-what?" Everyone but Chelsea once again was dazed and probably confused. "You're a-a FAIRY?" You know. I had to show it to em. "Yes! I'm a fairy! Ok?" "She is an angel still."
I'm The parents:

" I'm The parents:

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(I'm so sorry XD)

"Anyways, CAN SHE STAY PLEASE?!" Chelsea was jumping up and down shaking the whole house. "Fine. She can stay." Chelsea ran up to me to hug me. Liam did the same.

After dinner

Chelsea's POV

I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SHE STAYING. "Chelsea.." I heard a familiar voice. "What do you want!" "Shh!" Osana shushed us. Classic Osana. Oh yeah, Osana has her own room now, though she had insisted to stay in the dollhouse instead, my parents let her have her own room. Unfortunately, it was right next to Liam's room. Rip Osana. Oh yeah, she has to get a part-time job too. "What do you want Liam?" Whispering so Osana won't hear us. "Hook me up with Osana." "Dude, you got like, all the girls in your school practically worship the floor you step on." "Chelsea, please! I really like her. Let me be with her." "Suit your self! Oh by the way, she doesn't like you, she has a crush on someone else." Well Goodnight (A/N Fell asleep when I wrote this part.)

The next morning

3rd person POV

As everyone got up and got ready for school/work. "Osana! Give it back!" Chelsea cried. "Give back what?" "My toothbrush!" "Ok 1. DISGUSTING! 2. Why would I need it? 3. I like to know who took mine." They both looked at each other. "Liam." Both in sync. Osana kicked down the door. "WHAT ARE YO-" "AHHH" "AHHH!" Running out as fast as she could, Osana ran to the other bathroom. Knock knock knock. "Who Dat?" "It's me! Chelsea!" "Welp R.I.P. toothbrushes." "Just wish up some up!" Chelsea demanded. "Fine, here!"

A few minutes later

"Okay, I'm leaving." "Wait! TAKE ME WITH YOU!" "Why?" "I don't know wanna go on the bus with Liam." "Uggggggghhhhhhhh" "Please?" Chelsea begged. "Fine ok, you better not let ANYONE catch us! And I'll probably be late for school." "WHATCHA DOING GUYS," Liam yelled. "Nothing at all. Leave!" Chelsea shoved her brother back into the hallway. "Come on! I wanna come too~." "Go away!" Chelsea punched the door. "I'll let him come, JUST this once,"Osana whispered. Chelsea opens for her brother. "Thanks, Osana!" "Hmph" "Ok each of you, grab one of my hands." "Chelsea," "What do you want?" "I'm holding Osana's hand!" "Sigh." "Ok, let's go!" I said. And we left.

Oh, my gosh, this was so long Cause I got a project due soon and my mom might take away my phone if the data is up too much.

Rant for me!

Ok, I got to go now. Bye Bye!


The Adventures Of The Baka Fairy [completed!] [BEING REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now