Chatper 15 - Hanging out with #### pt 2

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(A/N diAmONd sWorD to MajoR sTEvE)

(Last chapter)
"Ok, Hanako, How did you find me?!" "I tracked you down!" "Ok but, why?" "Cause! You never told me where you were going, so I got worried!"  I need to do what I came here for. "Anyways, Hanako, I got to do something so leave! Please?" "FINE" She stomped out the door into the hallway and out the door. "Ok now, Osana, you wanna hang with me?" She looked at me. "1. NEVER say 'hang' or 'hanging' to me. 2. Sure, why not."


Taro's POV

Osana went to her closet to get her coat while I stood near the door. Liam came up to me. "Listen, I don't know how you know Osana but she's mine! Ok!" That gave me the chills, does he a crush on Osana too? "Liam, I know you like Osana but I like her too. I knew her longer than you, I'm her childhood best friend!" I replied. Liam was about to say something back to me but Osana came down the stairs. "Alright Taro, I'm ready." "Ok" I held her hand and went to the park.

It was quiet for a few minutes, I didn't know whether to break the silence of not but, Osana knew that answer. "Taro, um, I have to apologize." She said "Why?" She turn to me, her face was a little red. "I was pushing you away from me and, well I guess I have to tell you." "What's wrong Osana?" I asked. She looked around and brought me to a ally way. " I think Ayano is trying to kill me." "And I- never mind." "What? Did you see something?" "I said never mind!" Why do I have to make her mad?
"Sometimes you can be annoying." She started laughing, It was rare to see her laugh. "I never thought that you out of all people, would be annoying." " Well that because I have an annoying and clingy sister." She looked straight at me. "I wouldn't know, you see. I don't have any siblings."

Osanji's POV

It's true. After my parents had me, they didn't want anymore children like me, they were scared. "Hey Taro?" "What?" "What is it like to have siblings?" He looked straight into my eyes. D-did I ask, a bad question? "Lemme think... hmmm. Well it depends on what type of sibling you have, for me it's very annoying but, other people have different opinions." "Oh, thanks for telling me, now what do you wanna do?" Thinking what to do I feel a sharp pain in my back. "Ow!" "What's wrong?" Taro asked. "My back hurt, I feel li-"

Taro POV

Osana fell on me. There's some weird dart on her back. "'Property of Muja Kina?' Was the nurse here?" "Ok I know you're out there! Come out!" I look down for a minute. "Sorry Osana, I'll be back." I whispered. I don't even know if-

"T-t-t-Taro?" A faint voice. "Who's there?" "It's m-me, y-y-you idiot..." "Osana?" Osana gently lifted her head. " weren't planning on leaving me, were you?" "N-no" "lies..." She got up. "Where are you going?" "I'm going home." "Why?" "This place isn't safe." "Ok, uhhh, text me when you're home!" "Why, you aren't my dad." I looked at her. "Please??" ". . . Fine!"

Ayano's POV

How could I fail this time. Tomorrow is Friday, I can kill her in that time. *Ring Ring!* "Hello?" "Yeah, so what?" "Hmmm" "I think that would work" "Why did you call me though?" "Fine,bye".

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