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Savannahs p.o.v

"Come have a beer" jax states as i go to walk past i frown and look at the clubs exit "cmon we're friends now" i look back at him and he flashes me a cheeky smirk i roll my eyes sitting on the stool inbetween him and opie and a beer was placed infront of me i take a sip and look at jax "so how did your club even start?" Jax smiles proudly "our fathers started the club actually" opie nods "fought in vietnam came back and started a brotherhood" i smile softly they looked so proud "so who are your dads" opie nods to a man sitting with an oxygen tank "thats my old man piney" i look at jax "what about you?" He shakes his head "my old man died years ago , got hit by a semi" i frown "sorry to hear" he shakes his head "nah its alright" i sigh and stare at the beer in my hands "so what about you ? Whats your story?" I shrug "i had a shit up bringing around drugs ... once my parents died i got adopted by brax .. ever since ive been trained up as a lethal weapon and well here i am" jax frowns "no alcohol no social life nothing?" I shrug "we live and train at the institution so theres no need to leave...i guess in a way we were sheltered but at the same time it stops us from getting attached to anyone or anything .. you never know when your next job is" jax studys my face "no friends ?" I shrug "not really no... i had one .. i killed her" they sit in silence "why" opie questions and i shrug "it was part of my training ... thats how i graduated from the institution someone had to die .. and it sure as hell wasnt going to be me" my phone starts ringing and i stare at it for a second before picking it up "brax" he chuckles "hey kiddo, ready for the next job? Grab a pen and paper" i look around the room and spot juice at his laptop qith a note pad and pen i walk over and take it out of his hands "oi" i glare at him "alright go"
"Midnight tonight , down by the docks... a girl by the name of jessie.. she escaped the institution in the garbage shute.. shes become a prostitute you remember her" i frown "yeah ... yeah i remeber her" he sighs "no emotions sav youve got this get her back to the institution and you do it infront of everyone so they no .. you dont escape the institute" i frown "brax" i was concerened something didnt add up "savannah im counting on you dont let me down" i nod "midnight down at the docks .. jessie" "see you tonight ... oh and bring the sons .. i see yous now have an understanding .. i want you to show them what your made of, you make sure you catch her kiddo ... or she will expose us" he hangs up and i rip the paper of and hand juice the pad and pen looking at jax "anyone want to help tonight ?" I frown and he looks at opie "was that brax" i nod glaring at the paper "somethings happened really bad... this is going to be really bad"

I sat in a van next to jax with happy clay and tig in the back watching jessie   as she got out of someones car i glare "fucking whore"  jax watches me carefully "whos that savannah.. do you know her"  i scoff "jessie .. shes a little younger than me  when she came to the institution  i tool her under my wing i trained her up ... and now shes double crossed us .. shes threatened to expose the institution, she does that and we all go to jail" i look at the boys "this is a price she has to pay.m wait here"

I jump out of the van and sneak up behind her she spins around and all of the colour drains  from her face "savvy" she whispers in shock  stumbling backwards "jessie you can do this the easy way or the hard way hunni" she  goes to run and i sigh "hard way it is" i chase after her and see the sons van following me   she cuts around a corner and i sprint as fast as i could tackling her to the ground  as she screams   and we wrestle on the ground "piss off!" She howls in pain as i punch her in the stomach winding her   and i grab her face "this is going to be alot more painful now"  i grab her hair and drag her to the van as she kicks and screams   and jax jumps out with tig "hey hey hey , what the fuck was that!" I  shake my head throwing her in the back of the van and jumping ontop of her  putting duct tape on her mouth and  arounds her hands and legs  before handinf jax a jps "follow the directions" 

"Savannah" brax says proudly as i drag a screaming  jessie with me   and the sons trailing behind me i grin "brax" he hugs me and looks at jessie in disgust "kurt .. tristan take her into the training hall ... and wake the kids up" he looks at the boys "ah clay jax tig and .. happy is it , welcome"  clay nods "brax ... youve definetly trained her into a machine" he chuckles "your all probably wondering whats going on .. i wanted yous to see this so that you know how savannah works" clay nods "lead the way"

I hear  a bunch of chatter in the areana and as i walk in the whole room goes silent  "is that savannah?" A girl asks and  a few feet behind me  kurt and tristan drag jessie in  tying her to a chair as the room goes deathly quiete  brax walks in with the sons and the other trainers damon and jezz .
Damon smiles warmly at me before speaking "as you all know jessie  has escaped she threatened to tell everyone about us  and we have since prevented anymore .. students dissappearing .... tonight savannah has tracked her down for us"  people watch terrified  as jessie struggles in her seat "tonight she will die and i hope you all head this warning ... when we picked each of you we gave you an option .. you all chose to be here so there is no backing out" brax looks at me "savannah  kill her" he rips the duct tape from jessies mouth and she screams "rot in hell brax!" He sighs and looks at me nodding   i punch her in the face and she spits blood out   i kneel down to her eye level  "who have you told" she looks away and i grab her face making her look at me "who have you spoken too!" I shout  making her jump "no one .. i didnt have anywhere to go .. i had no money  no i.d as far as the states concerend I DONT EXIST"  i smirk "because your records get blinded until you graduate you idiot until them you are no one" she spits blood on my face and i growl grabbing a fist full of her hair and slamming her  face on my knee   she screams and tears roll down her face  "please savvy please dont kill me" i felt an ache in my heart

"Please savvy please dont kill me" jessie whispers with tears rolling down her small round face   i sigh and hug her "jessie you can get us both in so much trouble you cant be going into braxs office and stealing documents and you cant go trying to steal keys" she  frowns sadly "please savvy brax Will be so angry he thinks micheal from damons group done it" i sighs  and grab the files from her bed and the keys on her dresser  before tucking her in bed and kissing her forehead "go to sleep jessie ill go speak to brax"

"Please savvy your like my big sister please i cant do this without you please"  i slowly back away in shock and  a feel a gun get places in my hand "kill her" brax whispers  i look at her  and he shouts again "KILL HER"  she cries and begs "please im so so sorry please dont kill me  please "  "KILL HER!" Brax screams and i  shut my eyes pulling the trigger   i open my eyes and see her limp body  before im spun aroudn and slapped by jezz "no emotions no mercy no looking back!" Shouts and i glare at him "i have no emotions you wanted a show i gave you one dont step on my toes jezz or next time it will be you in a body bag" i throw the gun on the floor and look at brax "call me when i have my next misson"

I sit in the van as the sons  climb in and jax drops them off one by one until its just him and i   he sighs pulling over in the middle of town and i look at him he watches me carefully before pulling me in for a hug "you okay darlin"  and for the first time since i met brax .. i cried  "theyve turned me into a monster jax"

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