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Savannahs p.o.v
I sigh flicking through the file that was supposed to go to the atf "shit" i whisper he had everything from the list of adoptions to the layout of the place i kept flicking through and i felt my anger rise he had photos of me killling people .. me training where i lived everything to take me down "savannah tenox the agencys strongest assain" i read the label and look at the man he smirks "atf has your name kid .. your going down" i run a hand through my hair i look to the side and see a video camera and a normal camera i sigh softly picking them up and turning it on seeing more photos ..photos of me and brax shooting at each other and the sons coming to test our guns i look at him and back at the photos i had torn his house appart and found everything i could even a bag of money ... $100,000 to be exact

i shake my head turning the gas from a heater on and walk to his kitchen lighting the stove on "no no please dont kill me done leave me here! He screams i shake my head walking out of the house and down the street i had parked my car around the block .. i needed to go see the sons at the bar

When i get back to charming i saw bikes lined up at the bar i park quickly and grab the camera walking into the bar i spot clay and jax at the bar i walk over standing next to them but not looking at them "we have a problem" i state staring straight ahead they read my body language and act like they arent speaking to me jax with his back turned to me and clay facing jax and i "we need to know if your doing a job savannah otherwise we cant help" jax states and i roll my eyes "im just following orders jackson, but you should have a look at what i got from my job tonight" i place the camera on the bar and tayla walks over as clay flips through the photos "you want a drink babe" i smile "get me a vodka on the rocks and a beer tay" she nods rushing off to get my order "who did you get this off" clay asks and i smile softly as tayla comes back "you work here hun .. its on the house" i nod and she walks off as i grab my drinks "his dead now so it doesnt matter .. what does matter is that the atf has my name and a photo of me .. im being watched " clay sighs "you two get your acting skills on jax pretend your picking up savannah ill speak to the boys and get them back at the clubhouse you two leave sperately because if your being watched i want this to look like a hook up not a meeting" he states slipping the camera in his jacket and walking away jax turns to me and smirks winking "how are you gorgeous" i raise an eyebrow playing along "im fine" i shot the vodka and grab my beer walking to a table with him strolling behind me "you new in town?" I nod "just moved here" he holds his hand out "names jax" i smile softly "savannah" i put my hand out to shake his and he brings my hand to his lips placing a kiss on it i bite my lip, this was so cheesey "mind if i sit?" Jax asks and i shrug

Jax had been flirting with me for over 10 minutes using his charm and i had to admit he was very persuasive "you got a place to stay?" He asks as i see tig and opie walk over "yo brother were heading back you coming?" Opie asks playing along with the situation jax smirks looking at me "nah ill catch up later man" tig snickers and winks at me "cya jax" i smile softly at jax and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear "your so gorgeous" he flirts and leans in slowly kissing me i melt into the kiss making him smirk and tangle my hands in his hair as i deepen the kiss he pulls away smiling"wanna take this back to my place?"

As we got to the clubhouse jax smirks "nice working with you darlin" he jokes and i roll my eyes "please, you enjoyed that kiss and you know it" he chuckles and shakes his head before speaking "hey ive got a question for you darlin" i nod telling him to continue and he looks me dead in the eyes "do you want to stay with the agency forever ?" I stare at him ... did i ? I didnt know what i wantes to do or how i would even go about that ... even if i ran the agency has a tracker on me i would get found i frown and look up at jax "lets go inside" i state ignoring the question he nods knowing i had no answer

"Where were you tonight" the club president asks me as we sat around the table i sigh placing the folder on the table "i had a job tonight from the agency while you were getting your guns i was getting information .. one of the old trainers left the institution and was selling secrets to the atf i open the folder placing my photos on the table as everyone leant in "some of which i have already handed ovee to brax and the agency as it was top secret .. the rest i need for my own protection" i state pausing for a moment before placing a photo of me brax happy clay jax and tig shooting targets "and for your protection" i confirm as they stare in shock i frown "atf has my name and where i live he gave them photos to convince them i was the real deal ..before cutting his own deal" i then i place to money on the table "$100,000" i say as clay continues to let me run the meeting i frown "listen ..if yous want out ...im not going to stop you but i really do need help" jax watches me carefully and i sigh "atf catches me i get life sentences in maximum securtiy witch no parol...yous help me ..and the moneys yours"

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