The Meeting

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Elson and his brother stood outside the doors to the throne room. Elson was nervous and still recovering from the ride aboard the ship. He shuddered at the thought of it. His hands were shaking slightly, but he tried to hide it from Andy. He kept them neatly folded behind his back. They were ice cold, the emotional connection to his powers was strong. He stood tall and still, his breath steady and slow. Andy was beside him. He and Elson sharply contrasted. Andy was bouncing up and down, clearly trying very hard to contain the exhilaration for what was to come.

"I am so excited!" Blurted Andy, his face turning red right after the words came out of his mouth. Elson smiled slightly at his brother's embarrassment. A palace attendant had told them to wait here, and he would be back to escort them in to meet the Queen and Princess.

"Elson!" Andy whispered with a giddy smile on his face. "Elson!" He said again. Elson sighed and turned to answer his brother.

"Yes?" he asked with a quiet chuckle.

"Are you excited?" Andy asked. Elson was hoping that the attendant would come back soon. He could tell Andy was getting impatient. He took a deep breath and responded to his brother.

"I am." He tried to give the big grin he knew his brother wanted with a nod.

"I bet they're beautiful." Andy said dreamily. "I bet Elsa has an icy outfit just like yours! Only, hers is probably a dress." He laughed at himself. Elson sighed, that attendant could come any time now... "I wonder if Anna likes to have fun. I wonder if Elsa's ice powers are just like yours or different." Elson shook his head at his brother's endless list of questions.

"Andy, we will find out soon." He said flatly in an attempt to get him to quiet down.

"Oh, right." Andy said, trying to stand still again. The attendant came back, nodded to them, and they followed him down a long hallway. Elson eyed his brother carefully making surge at least tried to hold back his emotion. When they finally reached the throne room, the attendant opened the doors, and they were led in. In the front of the room, a woman with platinum blonde hair stood tall. Her pose was regal, her face calm and she seemed very collected. Her dress was floor length, elegant and beautiful. It sparkled and shimmered like ice. A long matching blue cape trailed out behind her, draped carefully over the floor. Her icy blue eyes met Elson's and both of them gasped quietly at the same time. They looked each other up and down, and then turned to their siblings. Elson looked at the girl beside the woman in blue. her face was young and fair. She seemed to be bursting with youthful energy and looked just as excited to meet them as Andy was to meet the girls. She wore a long, velvety magenta dress, which swished every time she moved. Her hair was a light red, what Elson would fondly call strawberry blonde. Her eyes were a similar blue to her sister's,but not as bright and icy. The dull blue was set off by her fair skin, and they sparkled with excitement. Elson looked at his brother and chuckled to see how similar he looked to the girl. She waved at them sheepishly, keeping her hand low so her sister would not see. Elson smiled, this girl was just like his brother. He could already see them getting along.

When they reached the front of the room, Elson waited for the attendant to announce them.

"Presenting, Elson and Andy." The attendant said with a flourishing gesture to the men and a bow. Elson bowed as well, Andy clumsily realizing he should follow his brother's example and bowing too. The young ladies curtsied in return, the girl in the magenta a little less graceful than her older sister. The attendant left them and the woman in blue addressed them.

"Welcome to Arendelle." her smile was soft, but Elson recognized the same nervousness he was hiding. "I am Elsa, the Queen of this fair kingdom." she looked to her sister. Elson was familiar with this, always having to keep Andy in check himself. The younger lady, who Elson now assumed was Anna, blushed and introduced herself.

"Hello! I'm Anna, Princess of Arendelle." A small excited giggle escaped after she spoke. Elsa sighed in good humor just as another attendant appeared.

"Ah yes. Let's go to a room where we may sit down and talk." she said, her steps slow and graceful as she followed the attendant. Elson fell in beside her, Anna and Andy behind them chattering excitedly. They entered a small, cozy room filled with elegant furniture and lavish couches and chairs. Elson glanced around in awe. Andy and Anna came in behind them, still bouncing around.

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