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I have the worst life ever... Literally.. I have an uneducated mother that always tells me what to do. She tells me not to talk to people and she thinks she's above everyone , even though im 16, im suffering the worse teenage life ever with an abusive father that thinks he's gold and the world's rust. I hate my life so much..

I was forced to transfer schools since my dad is a broke pervert. I used to be on top of my class I was very smart but it all came falling down when he decided to pay less for my education.. ASSHOLE.


Here I am, in front of my new school's gates Wondering how the FUCK to make friends all over again.. the security guard of our school was looking at me head to toe.. I WAS DISGUSTED he's such a weirdo and its still the first day.
I sigh, brush it off and enter the school..
In my hand was a paper that had "11D" written on it.. I immediately look above the classes and search for 11D until I finally found the class after going around the whole school's carredoors. The period has already started 5 minutes ago and I sigh as I open the door.
The whole class turn their heads to the door
to where I was standing and I immediately become a nerve wreck

"class this is jungkook and he's going to join us this year. Hey, im Mr. Yoongi, your English teacher, have a seat" he tells me
There was only one empty bench and it was the first bench of the middle row. No one sat in front, it seemed like I was put in the most neglected class.

I took the first seat and just when I sat the principal came in to write down the names of people that aren't following the dress code
(I was wearing yoga pants and a polo shirt) however, he didnt write my name because it was my first day.

damn is he really a principal? He's so fucking hot im looking at him and what he's like 187cm super super slim and really tall like I would reach his shoulders really.. His eyes landed on me "you will be forgiven because its your first day" he sternly said .. he seems strict

He notes down some people's names wearing colored jackets as they weren't allowed and leaves leaving us with a cold glare .. The principal is so fucking hot how doesn't anyone talk about how hot he is?

Oh well im too early to judge

"WOAH he would look really hot with me under him" someone says
"I really want to suck what's under that bulge on his pants" the second person says and they start talking about him and I just look at them in disgust.. But every word was true.

He is soo slim and tall he's the perfect ideal shape for a model, his face looks stern and he was wearing a tight white turtle neck with skinny black jeans and white sneakers with a note in his by and and a pen on his ear.. HE LOOKED LIKE THE PERFECT FUCK...
Unfortunately he's just here to be a principal and do what a principal does.. I really wish I had a boyfriend that made me fall in love with him at first sight like how I just did with the principal

" His name is Mr. KimTaehyung" a voice interrupts my thoughts
"My name is Jimin, what's yours" he smiles at me. "Im jungkook" I flash him my bunny smile and I notice Mr. Yoongi staring sternly at us, or more specifically Jimin..

This isn't even a school this is a place where people fall in love at first sight and talk about how hot other people are.. Nothing like my old school that was all about studying, but I thank god I went to my old school because it helped me find out my sexuality. Alot of girls wanted to date me because I was smart but I failed to maintain any relationship with any girl or even feel anything towards them at all.


The bell rings, and the next period starts.. "Hey class , take out your workbook.. Oh we have a new face. Jungkook is it? Welcome to this class, Im your biology teacher" and he immediately winks to someone behind me I look backwards and notice a boy that's so handsome I look at his book's label name and it reads "Kim SeokJin"


I didnt sign up for a school like this I just want to grow up and travel to Tokyo with my salary, to my dream city. And here I am runining it with a school full of weird people.

And it turns out the biology teacher came with no marker to write on the board.

"Jungkook, go get up and bring a marker from Mr. KimTaehyung im sure he has a bunch of them" he said interrupting my thoughts
I immediately got up and nod my head in response.

I immediately went to the end of the carredoor where the principal had his place there and I saw a box full of markers so immediately wanted to take one..well I wanted to ask him first but he wasn't there.. Too bad I wanted to see him and daydream about him.. I grabbed one marker and then jolted quickly at the principals voice making me drop the marker.

"Need something, Jeon?" He said

"M-Mr namjoon wants a mar-marker" I curse myself for stuttering and I use the perfect moment to bend down and grab the marker from the floor. I immediately bend down in the sexiest way I could and then he cleared his voice "alright then" then he sat down on his desk

I smirked at myself then immediately went back to class and gave Mr Kim namjoon the marker and he started teaching us
I spend my whole day with Jimin and he told me about how he was drooling over Mr Yoongi and how mr Yoongi fucked him after Jimin seduced him with a lollipop which gave me an amazing plan for tomorrow

H⃣e⃣y⃣ g⃣u⃣y⃣s⃣ d⃣o⃣n⃣t⃣ b⃣e⃣ g⃣h⃣o⃣s⃣t⃣ r⃣e⃣a⃣d⃣e⃣r⃣s⃣.. L⃣i⃣k⃣e⃣ a⃣n⃣d⃣ c⃣o⃣m⃣m⃣e⃣n⃣t⃣ w⃣h⃣a⃣t⃣e⃣v⃣e⃣r⃣ y⃣o⃣u⃣ w⃣a⃣n⃣t⃣.. A⃣n⃣d⃣ d⃣a⃣m⃣n⃣ 1052 w⃣o⃣r⃣d⃣s⃣ f⃣o⃣r⃣ a⃣n⃣ i⃣n⃣t⃣r⃣o⃣d⃣u⃣c⃣t⃣i⃣o⃣n⃣

S⃣t⃣a⃣r⃣t⃣e⃣d⃣ 8/2/2018

My Principal (V⃣K⃣O⃣O⃣K⃣) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now