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Jungkook's POV
my stomach is growling
I really want to eat
*knock knock*
"Jungkook, change we're going out to eat" he says behind the door
"I don't wanna go" I tell him
"I know you do so change, I'll wait for you downstairs" he says
I mean I'm hungry after all
I wear a light pink sweater with a black sweatpants
I unlock the door and go downstairs
While I'm going downstairs I kind of felt dizzy on the last stair and tripped on it
I closed my eyes ready to fall down and collapse but a hand held me tightly from my waist
"Whoops" I tell him while holding onto his shoulders
"Careful down there" he says and pulls me from my waist closer to him then let's go
"Uhh can't we just order" I tell him
"Mhm ok" he says I unconsciously caress his cheeks then Immediately jolt back
he motions me to sit on the couch
He stretches on the couch and opens his legs with his a hand behind his head holding the phone to his ear
"Hey SubliMotion?" I'd like .....
That's the only thing I understood.. after he said I'd like he said weird ass food names and I'm not surprised because sublimotion is one of the most expensive restaurants in the world
I almost feel dizzy again and I put my hand on my forehead and the sweater gets shoved backwards exposing the cuts but I immediately cover it up
He notices and thank god he doesn't say anything
I think he didn't see them well
The doorbell rings and he opens the door and puts the food on the table
"Why don't you have servants to clean and do choirs" I ask him out of curiosity
"Because I fell in love with one of my servants, but she used me to pay her bestfreind's hospital bills"
"Oh" I tell him
We continue to eat and he finishes then he goes to his room and washes his hand in his room's bathroom and I do the same in my room
I was ready to sleep but I started having terrifying thoughts about my father killing me or strangling me in the middle of the night
I go to his room and find him on his bed with his hands on his forehead
He looks like he is in deep thought
"Tae?" I call out for him
"Hmm?" He asks
"What's wrong?"I ask him going into his room
He stands up from his place and closes his door and walks up to me
"Why did you self harm?" He walks and I walk back hitting his wall
"Why would you even care, go to Lisa" I tell him
"Jealous much? How cute..." he says
I'm honestly confused I've never seen this weird side of him
"Leave this house, immediately!" He punches the wall beside my head and I flinch
"Why?! You know what fuck you im going!"
I go but he pulls me from my hand back to the wall and forces his lips into mine
I don't kiss back
He breaks the one sided kiss and sighs
"Can't you see? I can't give you what you want.. you're too good for me.. you're innocent, cute and shit but I'm just a player.. you need to forget about me"
"What" I ask him
"I made you self harm.. god knows what you're going to do next because of me"
"It's not my fault you played with my feelings" I defend myself
"I didn't play with your feelings, I was just testing myself if I had any feelings for you.. and apparently I do.. I love you jungkook, I love you"
"Then prove it" I challenge him
He raises my chin up and leans in to kiss me
"Make me feel like I'm the only one to exist in your world with no other bitches like jisoo and Lisa" I tell him
He pulls Me from my waist closer to him and immediately kisses me harshly squeezing my ass so that I can moan and he could enter my mouth with his tongue
And apparently, he succeeded
He taps my ass signaling me to lift my legs and tangle them into the sides of his hips
After supporting me from my ass and a longass kiss he gently puts me into his bed without breaking the kiss, after a few minutes of fixing himself over me, he pulls my sweatpant downwards and I feel the urge to touch his crotch so I raise my lower part up to be in contact with his member and he lets out a groan, meaning I succeeded
"Needy much, aren't we.. princess?"
"Let's give you more time to make up your mind kitten"
He's right
He grabs my hands that had cuts and raises the sweater to expose them
*kiss on the first cut*
You're beautiful
*kiss on the second*
You're perfect
You're cute
I love you
You're my baby boy.. mine and only
He lays next to me hugs me tighter than ever and kisses my forehead then caresses my cheek until I slept

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