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Jungkook's POV
I woke up, I immediately remember what happened yesterday.. woah he's such a pro in dirty stuff. It makes him hot actually
I remember he sleptwith me so I think he woke up before me..
I hear giggles downstairs of different people
Oh wait I recognize these voices.. jimin yoongi
namjoon jin taehyung and... LISA..
I hope it's not her
I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth
I wear a new outfit
A black shirt and white sweatpants
I go downstairs and they're all on the couch and a bottle in the middle indicating that they're playing truth or dare
jimin yells "Jungkook!" And I yell jimin back
Yoongi wraps his arms around jimin
I look around at the people sitting
And Lisa is sitting on jungkook's lap with his hands on her waist
Should I jump her the way I jumped jisoo
"Mhm" I cough
How could he do that to me
How could he pretend that nothing happened yesterday
My throat starts getting heavy with a lump in it but I swallowed it.. I'll show you taehyung
I spin the bottle and it lands on Jin and jimin
"I dare you to call me omma forever" Jin tells him and jimin replies with "ok omma jin"
After three times of the bottle spinning
It landed on me and Lisa
I pick truth
"What is your net worth" she asks
How the fuck am I supposed to know
"Idk" I tell her
"Liar" she replies.. "come one it's truth.. it's not a crime to admit that you're a poor peasant"

Tae's POV
jungkook's eyes widen.. he is totally surprised
He immediately got up ready to beat the shit out of her but
I wrap my arms around her waist tighter and tell her
"That's not nice babygirl, apologize"
He looks like he was about to jump me and her but he just says "I don't need your filthy ass apology" he doesn't sit down, he storms upstairs and shut the room's door almost breaking it. I know if I let go of her she's just going to be even harsher on him

Jungkook's POV
Peasant? Oh ho not on my death body does a bitch call me a peasant.. I don't even know why I'm crying
Taehyung is an asshole he just.. UGH what am I even doing here in the first place
I'll just leave.. but where do I go
I have no where literally
I notice a cutter on a table in my room
Maybe no one likes me or need me
Maybe I'm the mistake in my life not other people
Maybe I got kicked out because I'm worthless and I don't deserve to live with anyone
Maybe taehyung... ugh nvm
I grab the cutter and motion it on my hand
I make the first cut as I wince in pain
I make the second, followed by the third fourth fifth sixth till twelfth
I accidentally made her last one too deep
Oh shit
The blood started dripping on the table of fuck there are no tissues here and the I locked the door
I went to the bathroom of my room and washed my hand
It burns but that's ok, I'm worthless anyways
It doesn't matter if I'm in pain or not
The cuts started getting redder and redder
I changed the top to a black sweater so that nothing is obvious
They start burning and I cry again
It really really doesn't matter if I...
"Ugh" I sigh in frustration and ignore the pain

Tae's POV
Everyone went before half an hour
Why is he still locked up in his room
Is he fine? Idk why I'm concerned but I certainly is a hundred percent concerned
Does he want breakfast? He woke up without eating anything till now
Ugh Lisa shouldn't even come here
She's really annoying and I'm using her to know if I really have feelings for jungkook
ugh what I'm I saying.. he's just a minor

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