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I pay the taxi for my ride and my jaw drops.. What the fuck is this mansion?

Oh my god oh my god what the hell i immediately start roaming around touchig everything

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Oh my god oh my god what the hell i immediately start roaming around touchig everything.. I put my hand in the swimming pool and its warm omg woahh there are two couches next to it .. A perfect place for a stargazing before sleep omgggg woah im gonna cry this is so beautiful OMG!! Theres a dog that has a choker called "Choppa" OMGGG CUTEEE i start playing with the puppy and look around in amazement only to be interrupted by taehyung's cough i look around and holy guacamole!

 A perfect place for a stargazing before sleep omgggg woah im gonna cry this is so beautiful OMG!! Theres a dog that has a choker called "Choppa" OMGGG CUTEEE i start playing with the puppy and look around in amazement only to be interrupted by ta...

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Omg is that gucci? Omgggg
I immediately bow in respect and i say "annyeonghaseyo gyojang ( principal)"
"Aish, why the formality? Come.."
He holds my waist and guides me to the door
Woah wtf the inside is even more beautiful than the outside. Imreally afraid of breaking something that would cost me my life.
I sit on one of the chairs of the open kitchen which is in the living room itself (there are like 6 kitchens , 16 bedrooms 14 bathrooms 7 maidrooms and idk thats just what i counted
"How are you so rich?" I ask him "you're just a principal"

"Ouch thats harsh" he says "Well princess, you dont look like people who have fashion taste, I'm the CEO of gucci.." I literally choke on the three digit water i just drank in a golden cup.

"Im a principal just for fun, thought i would play with girls here and there"
"Oh so you're straight" i say
What? He asks and i neverminded him then ge shrugged it off.

"So why do you have my nudes?"
"I hired men to give me a brief explanation about your past, since you were interesting"
"You have all the money in the world. Why would you chase after a peasant like me?"
"Because no one can pull off a tight leather pants sexier than you do" i look at my pants and im wearing the pant he's talking about
He steps closer and opens my legs to stand
between them

"after a tough observation, you have the thickest and sexiest butt of every chick i messed with"
I guess he still doesnt know im not his chick i want to be something important to him. But its better if he remains my crush

I yelp as he squeezes my thighs "are you a virgin, princess?" I hesitatently nod
"So i get to have all of this thick ass for myself?" He squuezes my butt and i accidentally put my hands around his neck but quickly remove it..

He pulls me from my waist "You're really as interesting as your sexy thighs , princess and i want to know everything about you"


H⃣e⃣y⃣, i⃣ j⃣u⃣s⃣t⃣ p⃣o⃣s⃣t⃣e⃣d⃣ t⃣w⃣o⃣ c⃣h⃣a⃣p⃣t⃣e⃣r⃣s⃣ t⃣o⃣d⃣a⃣y⃣,

My Principal (V⃣K⃣O⃣O⃣K⃣) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now