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My head. Its aching as hell
Wait where am i? Oh wait ya my room.. MY ROOM? THE CLUB? The the what is happening omg did i drink?
oh hell yes i did

I go to the bathroom and check my neck, two obvious hickeys and i immediately remember that taehyung was responsible for it
"Jungkook, get down its breakfast time" my mom says ugh why does she want me to eat breakfast as a family with my perverted asshole dad. He is abusive and stupid and she doesnt seem to get it. She acts like its all fine and shit.. i have to go through this every friday and saturday since they disappear on normal school days
I'm seriously sick of this

(A/N : THERES a description by jungkook on his
parents in chapter 1)

I go downstairs ready to fight for my non existant right of eating whenever I want instead of being forced on a silent table full of me getting roasted by my 2 year old dad
"Ya, mom! I said I don't want to eat breakfast as a family already.. GET A CLUE!" I say
"You live under this roof, you follow the rules.. either obey what I'm telling you or get the hell out of this house!" She yells
"Yeah, I'd rather get the fuck out of here than live with stupid uneducated parents like y'all!"
My stupid dad comes after he hears the argument, being the bitch he is.. he has to get involved
"You useless bitch, get he fuck out! Don't come back until you talk properly to your mother"
He says
Then I reply
"Why don't you know how to treat your child AND wife like normal people instead of acting like a bipolar son of a bitch!"
He walks ready to punch me or smother me or something but I immediately run upstairs and lock the room behind me and I hear a bang on the door that bitch I s2g
I immediately get my luggage out and start shoving everything inside from underwear to literally everything and most importantly, my diary
I open my room's door when everything is silent
My parents are in their room, the door is locked.. DISGUSTING... there are times where you should care about your son but who am I kidding I'm babysitting two fucktards

Oh god, where am I going to go now.. taehyung wouldn't mind right? I mean he has like 16 rooms or something.. oh god oh god what am I gonna fucking do

The next thing I know is that the taxi dropped me infront of taehyung's House

Tae's POV
I was watching 50 shades darker in the cinema room when I heard the doorbell.. I paused the movie from the remote next to me and went to open the door
Who the fuck would possibly come and ring in the morning? Probably a beggar.. I should call the security or something.. ugh Peasants
The doorbell rings again
I wear my Gucci slippers and go to open the door
"Jungkook?" I'm honestly surprised
"U-uh I got k-kkicked out my uhh house and I was w-wo" I cut him off by hugging him..

I know him too well now to assume that he's trying so hard not to cry, and cover all the pain his eyes are showing

"You can stay as long as you want" I tell him and I can feel my voice sending shivers through his spine..

My boy is going to be really close to me now.. just the fact that I can have him for myself in my own house makes me feel.. like..
This boy is really something

My Principal (V⃣K⃣O⃣O⃣K⃣) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now