The Sorta Beginning

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I met him my freshman year, didn't think much of it. Just thought he was a nice boy who didn't fit in with what his friends were doing. I could relate with that.
"Babe, wait up!"
"Sorry, I just really need to get to class today," I replied, barely looking my boyfriend in the eyes. Truth is, I just can't do this anymore. It's been a month and I'm already beginning to feel trapped, and overwhelmed with his love for me and his constant need to express it.
"Okay, have a good class, I love you," he says, looking at me expectantly. Like I'm the most precious thing to him in the world.
"Yeah, you too." I squeeze out, before I go take my seat in the back of the classroom. I watch him go, and I begin to hate myself for always doing this. He's genuinely a great guy, but ever since he got used to me being his girlfriend, his clingy love-ness has made me feel absolutely suffocated and I want out. I know I should just break up with him already, but I don't want to hurt him. I care about him, but not in the way he cares for me.
"Sup girly, how are you and my boy?" My friend Trevor asks as he takes his seat down beside me.
"Same as ever, I guess..." I reply, knowing he knows my dilemma.
"You just gotta do it. The longer you wait the hard it will be for the both of you. Stop being a pussy, I'll be there to comfort him." Trevor is also one my boyfriend's best friends.
"Ohhhh are we talking about Issa's lack of love for our boy Elias?" Joins in our other good friend, who sits directly in front of me, Logan. "Sista, you gotta just dump him already before he gets too attached!"
"He already is too attached! It's only been a month and he's talking about how much he loves me 24/7. Plus, he's always needing my attention, I hate needy. You guys know that." I try to explain this to them, but they already know from being involved in many of my rants about how I can't stand my perfectly loving and sweet boyfriend. God, what is wrong with me?
"Don't even give me non of that bullshit, you're just being a pussy ass bitch. Stop being weak and get your happiness back, Dopey." Trevor responds irritably. He's tired of hearing me complain and not do nothing about my problem.
"Fine, I'm gonna do it... today... possibly!" I say as I open my chrome book to see what the agenda is for class today.
"Whatever you say, Issa, whatever you say.." Logan says, before turning around and starting on his Spanish sentences that I still haven't done and need to turn in today. Great first my relationship, and now classes? I'm just failing at everything.
"Psst! Luigi over there, with the green hat! Can I copy your sentences when you're finished, pretty, pretty please?" I beg Logan.
"Sure, just after you break up with my friend so you can stop leading him on and hurting yourself!"
"Hey! Jeez, imma do it, chill out. Cut a girl some slack."
Yeah, it's short I know, but as the story grows, the chapters will gradually grow with it. Just hang in there, great books never start out great!

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