1 - Returning to Hogwarts

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After a lengthy train journey, the Hogwarts express finally came to a halt at Hogsmeade train station. There was a moment of silence in the Gryffindor carriage where everyone stared in awe at Hogwarts from the windows. The towers were back to how they used to be, the forbidden forest was green and leafy again and the awful fires that were ablaze for days after were distinguished.

"Ready?" Hermione held my shoulder, interrupting me from my trance. I smiled emotionally and took Hermione's arm as we left the train with our bags. Everyone was talking excitedly at how brilliant Hogwarts was going to be with all of the new teachers, especially now that Mcgonagall is Headmaster. The wind was cold but the Adrenalin we got from the excitement of returning home warmed us up sure enough. As we walked, we noticed a familiar face turn around to look at us. It was Draco Malfoy.

Hermione has issues with Draco and, from what she told me, he wasn't very nice to Harry. I personally wasn't friends with Harry or Ron, only Hermione so I didn't have such an issue with him. We had never spoken before so I couldn't judge him. All I heard about him was that he was forced to be on the Dark Side during the Voldemort Era.

"I'm so excited, Hermione!" I clapped my hands excitedly as we approached the castle closer and closer. The towering gates creaked open, the recognisable shriek of the gates made my heart flutter. It seemed ridiculous but I really was so, so glad to be back to school.

We walked in in silence, accompanied by Mr Filch and Mrs Norris, his cat. The Great Hall doors opened before us revealing the warm, light place everyone knew and loved. Then, we looked up and saw Professor Mcgonagall stood with a welcoming smile at the front of the hall. She walked with a jump in her step towards us all. There was only around 30 of us because not many people wanted to return voluntarily.

She nodded to Mr Filch and then the other years flooded in around us.
"I'm so happy that you all came back," She smiled again,"It's good to see you all."

Everyone smiled to eachother before sitting down at our House tables. Me and Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table obviously and awaited the arrival of first years.

"Before we start the Sorting Hat Ceremony, I would just like to say a few words to those of you who were here last year."
Mcgonagall walked closer to the front and cleared her throat before continuing.
"What you all have done for the wizarding world, is just extraordinary. Even if you're loyalties at times lied with perhaps a particularly unfavourable side, we can forgive and never forget. If any of you new students came to see the absolutely astounding Mr Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, I'm afraid they have both decided they would rather not return."

A lot of the second and third years sighed at this news.

"But don't be disappointed too soon!" Mcgonagall's face lit up as she pointed towards the sky,"Miss Hermione Granger is still with us! In fact, Miss Granger, would you mind just coming to the front for a minute?"

I turned to Hermione who was wide eyed and shocked. Her cheeks went a violent shade of magenta as she climbed out of the bench and walked rather reluctantly to the front. On her way, a few of the younger students waved to her excitedly and she waved back with a slight giggle.
Mcgonagall greeted her with a large shining badge that was evidently the Head Girl's badge. I knew that Hermione would be over the moon about this, she mentioned a few years ago that it would be cool to be Head Girl. Hermione pinned it to her cloak as loud cheers roared throughout the Great Hall. I hooted dramatically as she hugged the Headmaster and then jogged back to her seat next to me.

"That was so embarrassing!" She whispered to me as her cheeks went back to a normal skin tone. I laughed at her as the doors opened again and the first years piled in. They were so small and adorable, I don't remember me and Hermione being that small. They were whispering excitedly as they glared at Hermione who seemed to be quite famous after the Battle of Hogwarts.

• • • • •

After what was probably the best feast Hogwarts have ever made, the night was coming to an end and it was eventually time to go back to the Gryffindor common room. Apparently, rumour had it, the Seventh years have their own dormant themselves. That's what was going up and down the Gryffindor table, anyway.

"Lemon Sherbet." Hermione said to the Fat Lady painting in Gryffindor tower. I smiled as I began to understand why the new password was Lemon Sherbet. Dumbledore's password to his office used to be the same. Me and Hermione walked in before the first years and scanned the room quickly. Nothing had changed, thankfully, everything was just how we left it.
The first years all seemed very overwhelmed so we lead them to their rooms where they quickly got to sleep, surprisingly.

I flopped onto the scarlet sofa infront of the fire and closed my eyes.
"Now what?" I asked.

Hermione sat down next to me and sighed,"Wanna go for a walk?"

With a frown, I opened my eyes and turned to her.
"A walk?" I said sarcastically. She laughed and nodded.

"What's wrong with a walk, Elise?" She raised an eyebrow as she grabbed my hands and dragged me out into the cold. Unwillingly, she pulled me outside.

"Why are we outside?" I asked with a bit of a mood. "It's absolutely freezing."

Hermione didn't say anything. She continued walking towards the Forbidden forest until we reached a thick, branchy tree. She pointed to a carved on love heart with the initials 'E+D' on the trunk of the tree.

"What's this?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and sat down at the root of the tree, wrapping her hair around her.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" She smiled,"Someone's got a crush on you. Or used to anyway..."

I laughed at her. There are lots of people in this school, anyone could have the same first letter of their name as me.
I sat down next to her.

"Hermione, really?" I looked at her as she stared into the darkness of the forest,"It could be anyone!"

Hermione snorted,"I don't think so. When we were younger, every boy and their brother had a crush on you, Elise. I think that Draco Malfoy wrote this in his younger days. Didn't you see how he looked at you earlier?" She shook her head,"I think he's vile, personally."

I nodded in agreement.
"He bullied you and your friends last year, why would he like me?"

"You're gorgeous, Avery! And not to mention, you're probably the best looking pure-blood in this school."

With a sigh, I stood up.
"I doubt it. Come on..." I grabbed Hermione's hands,"Let's go to bed."

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