5 - Tutoring

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A week had passed and we were all feeling the stress of N.E.W.Ts even though they were at the end of the year; it was only September.

I had to run to my Potions class as I had forgotten my bag, and found myself very late.

Everyone was stood in a group at the end of the class, I noticed Draco looked particularly tired. Hermione shot me a look of disgust and embarrassment that she even knew me and I hurried quickly next to her. Slughorn seemed particularly excited about a potion he had in his hand. I recognised it to be the Antidote for the love potion.

"You're so late, in fact Miss Avery, that this lesson is finished." Slughorn put the vile down,"As you have missed this practical and demonstration, I need you to catch up."

I turned to Hermione who was glaring straight at me, she didn't seem like she wanted to tutor me.

"Miss Granger?" Slughorn raised an eyebrow but Hermione stood her ground and shook her head.

"I've got Arithmancy assignments due for first period tomorrow." Hermione lied through her teeth. I knew she already passed her Arithmancy NEWT in fifth year because she was so good at it and dropped the subject.

"Mr Malfoy? You've got an eye for Potions, Dear Professor Snape told me a few years ago..."

Draco's eyes darkened and his already tired face seemed even more tired. Slughorn pulled face of hope, knowing deep down he would refuse.

"Fine." Draco turned around and picked up his books,"But I don't have to do an essay on this."

Slughorn hesitated and then gave in,"Okay, very well then...Class dismissed..."

Everyone flooded into the corridors except for Hermione, who was talking to Slughorn about doing extra homework, and Draco, who was waiting for me to grab a textbook.
I got the heaviest one, assuming it would have the most information in, and lead Draco to the library.

"Not the library." His voice bellowed down the corridor.

"Where then?" I asked, with a sigh.

"You can come to my dorm, but no one hears about this! Got it?"
Draco seemed scared almost, I didn't really understand why.

"Yeah, sure. Okay..." I frowned, still not sure what he was up to and followed him the opposite direction towards the dungeons.

• • • • •

"And that's supposed to have an F in it..." Draco pointed to my last sentence in my essay.

"Thanks..." I smiled, getting the sense that Draco was getting a bit bored now. I shut my book and got up from the dusty floor of his dorm room.

"Hey, um..." Draco got up with a sigh,"If you want, I can tutor you same time tomorrow? I'm quite good at Divination if you..."

I laughed,"If you're assuming I need support then..."

"No! That's not what I meant!" Draco laughed, blushing a bit. I felt my cheeks blush.

"Well, I suppose I could do with some help on my Herbology homework..."

Draco nodded, still smiling but it had grown to his eyes now. I made the most of this, I had never seen Draco Malfoy smile in his life. Only when he managed to bully Harry.

"Thanks...." I waved to Draco and left the dorm, quietly going down the stairs making sure no one heard me.
Still smiling, I paced quickly back to Gryffindor tower and got straight into bed, feeling satisfied with my essay and making Draco smile properly.

• • • • •

The next morning was going exceptionally well. I got my Transfiguration homework back and I got full marks, as did Hermione.
Hermione was still a bit bitter that I missed Potions, she evidently didn't realise it was an accident and that I lost track of time.

"If you want to be his girlfriend then just tell him..." Hermione suddenly broke the silence as we ate our lunch in the Great Hall. I spat out my food, in shock that she just said that, and shot her a look.

"Sorry?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes and went back to reading her Potions homework over. I sighed, fed up of her assuming things, and went back to my dorm for the rest of the day. I pretended I was ill.

Thankfully, no one else came back after lunch, so I had a nap in the common room in front of the fire. I looked down at the green ring and smiled, I still had no idea who it could be from.
I rested my head down and shut my eyes, thinking of how my brother is doing back home and how mum and dad are.

The cold air was blowing my hair behind me, I felt myself being winded as I zoomed my Firebolt inbetween the Ravenclaw team.

"Go Elise!" I heard Hermione's voice call from the stands, making me smile. For a split second, I looked down to wave at her but a huge, heavy bludger hit me right in the chest, completely knocking me off my broom.

I fell as fast as my Firebolt flew, knowing that this was going to be a nasty landing. I tried to pull my wand out but it seemed to have fallen out, not to mention that I had definitely broken both arms.

Suddenly, the falling stopped and I hovered above the ground, looking down at my death. Fortunately, I dropped to the ground which was a few inches below me, painlessly.

"Good one, Malfoy." I saw Mcgonagall pat Draco on the back with a surprised smile on her face. Draco was drenched in mud, as was everyone else, and blushing a deep shade of red. Hermione had now made it down to the pitch where a crowd was forming. Draco left swiftly, he seemed very embarrassed.

"Oh my god!" Hermione exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. I flinched as she squeezed my broken arms. "Sorry!" She winced at the sight of my sticking out arm bone.

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