9 - "I like you."

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I laid down, trying desperately to sleep, but I couldn't. Eventually, I got out of bed at around midnight and tried to sleep in the common room but I could still hear the prefects walking around outside. After tossing and turning for a good hour, I went back to my bed.

I laid back down and closed my eyes. The moonlight was leaking through the curtains and interrupting my sleep also, I closed them angrily but quietly, not wanting to wake Draco. It was dark now, but I still couldn't sleep. Then I considered that it was too hot, so I went back over to the window and opened the window, closing the curtains again.

I heard a creak outside of my door and I looked up to see a sleepy Draco leaning against the door. I was mortified. He walked inside and lit the fire with his wand, blinding me minorly.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked, wiping his eyes, obviously exhausted.

"Couldn't sleep."

"Try a spell or something" He said bluntly before turning off the fire and leaving left back to his dorm. I knew I had no hope of sleep, so I went back to the common room and stared at the fire for another hour until it was two in the morning. Thankfully, Draco didn't hear me yawn and accidentally sigh loudly at some points.

I closed my eyes for the last time.

Umbridge approached me, Glaring at Seamus angrily. He had his hand around my waist, pulling me closer. I knew exactly where this was going.

"Mr Finnegan?" She questioned his hand and he slid out back around and by his side. Just the sight of her made me feel physically sick, she had the most punchable face. "I don't want to see that behavior again!" She exclaimed angrily before strutting away sassily, flicking her wand at random people to prove a point.

"Don't worry about her." I said to Seamus, holding his hands. "She's a pig."

Draco Malfoy walked past with Pansy at his side like always, glancing at me and Seamus quickly before storming away. Seamus frowned, along with me.

"What was that about?"  Ginny and Dean joined us in the corridor, arm in arm. "Why did he look at you like that?" Ginny watched then walk away. I looked over to see Draco looking at me as they turned a corner to go into the courtyard. I gulped. Hermione had been telling me he was jealous. I shook it off and we strolled towards the Gryffindor tower where we got changed for Hogsmeade.

I woke abruptly, with Draco right in my face.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, completely shaken. "Draco! What are you doing!"

He sat backwards, edging away.
"You were calling me!" He said, looking confused as ever.

"No." I said sternly. "I wasn't."

"No you definitely were. What kind of dream were you having?" He laughed but I didn't find it funny. "I'm kidding, maybe I was hearing things." He touched my shoulder playfully, laughing, but my ring lit up for the second time. It flowed brighter this time, as if his presence made the glowing brighter.

"It's proven that people hear in their heads what they would like to hear in real life..." I said, raising a eyebrow at a shocked Draco.

"Well, Hermione Granger, it's proven that people talk in their sleep when they're having a brilliant dream. Did I look good in that dream?" Cockily, he stood up and laughed at himself again but I was still glaring at him with disapproval.

"You aren't funny, Draco Malfoy."

"Good night." He waved to me before going back to bed. I followed after him, but turned right to my dorm again.

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