3 - Flashbacks

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The second official day of lessons had begun and it was still absolutely freezing outside. September is supposed to be hot...

"So I was ready about the Love Stone thing and apparently it glows when you're in contact with your true love 'slash' soulmate but personally I think it's a load of rubbish..."

Hermione had been stressed about mysterious ring all morning after it arrived last night at dinner. Ginny, Luna and Cho were getting bored of it now and so was I.

"I'm sure that Flitwick could run a few tests on it to check for hexes or bad spells because there are some girls who are violently jealous of you, Elise. You don't know what they're capable of—"

"Hermione!" Cho's aggressive inner Scottish came out as she screamed through a gap in the shelves. "We've been in this library all morning, I'm hungry. No one has hexed it!"

Hermione tutted and continued to scan for books.

• • • • •

"Sit down! Sit down!" Mcgonagall called over the growing crowd in Transfiguration class.
"Thank you!" She sighed with relief and flicked her wand, shutting the door behind us.

I was sat next to Hermione who was chewing her nails at the thought of the ring. Every so often, she would glare at it as I was writing, almost as if it was going to hurt me.

"Elise, you really shouldn't wear that bloody ring." Hermione whispered as the whole class began writing an essay on goblets and how they can easily be enlarged and why. "I know there's something off with it."

I rolled my eyes.

• • • • •

I walked alone back to the Gryffindor tower after my first ever detention, I had tears running down my face. I really hoped that no one would ever see me like this or know that I got in trouble, it would ruin my reputation.

Then suddenly, someone was storming up behind me from the Dungeons. I bowed my head, sweating frantically trying to hide my face.

"Avery?" I heard a familiar voice in my left.

Very reluctantly, I looked up to see Draco Malfoy frowning with confusion.

"Why are you crying?" He asked like it was a crime.

"I got a detention, okay!" I blurted out, making my stomach drop as I heard the words out loud.

He snorted. I shot him a look.
"I got mine last year, first year! First month infact!" He seemed so proud of himself.

I carried on walking with Draco trailing after me,"Why don't you come and see the trophies with me?" Draco's face blushed slightly at what he just said.

"Draco, second years aren't aloud to be out this late! They're worried that the Chamber of Secrets have been opened!"  I shook my head and picked up the pace, finally arriving at the door to the staircase to Gryffindor tower. Draco sighed and walked away, staring at the ground intensely.

"Elise!" I felt someone shake my arm forcefully with an anger in their voice. "Wake up! For goodness sake!"

I knew it was Hermione.
Slowly, I opened my eyes, squinting at the light all of a sudden blinding light from the window of the Gryffindor common room. Hermione and Ginny were frowning down to me.

"You blacked out during Transfiguration!" Ginny was still frowning deeply as her and Hermione sat down at my feet, watching me closely. My head was pounding.

"It's that stupid ring!" Hermione shook her head as she looked at my hand that was resting on my leg. I noticed the green stone flicker and then it went in a second. "See!"

"It's nothing!" I sat up suddenly and felt my food travel up my stomach and towards my mouth. I inhaled and felt a bit better.

"You're wrong Elise." Even Ginny was starting to agree with Hermione.

"I had a flashback, I think." I said under my breath, making sure no one else could hear. They leaned in excitedly and listened eagerly,"It was from first year when I got that Professor Snape detention for answering a question more than ten times in five minutes...."

"And..." Hermione was nodding slowly for me to carry on.

I gulped.
"And it was just of me crying. That's all."
I lied, obviously.

• • • • •

The dementors were floating about the grounds again and it was finally time to go to Hogsmeade.

"Hey Hermione!" I ran over to Hermione and Ron as they waved to Harry who wasn't coming. She smiled.

"Hi, Avery." Ron nodded to me kind of awkwardly as Filch lead us to Hogsmeade.

We arrived quite soon and me and Hermione left Ron to go into Zonko's joke shop. It was absolutely amazing, we could've spent all day in there. My eyes were drawn to a display of love potions and charms. I could smell mint and lavender.

"Hi..." Draco has snuck around the display and was stood next to me, hiding from Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hi Draco..." I frowned, slightly confused as to why he was talking to me,"What's up?"

Draco had a look of concern on his face as he ducked down as Crabbe stormed past us, moaning at Goyle.
"It's those two..." He stroked his hair downwards and tightened his sling,"I don't tell anyone this but...the truth is...they really get on my nerves..."

"Malfoy!" Crabbe's low and bellowing voice echoed throughout the shop as Goyle followed behind him. With a frown on his face, Crabbe spat,"What are you doing?"

Draco blushed a bit as Goyle made faces, I don't think he realised that I could see him.

"We're leaving." Draco puffed his chest out and shoved past them, and out of the shop and into the snow they went.

I woke up suddenly, all sweaty and gross. Hermione was also up, sat on her bed reading.

"You had another flashback, didn't you?" She raised an eyebrow as she turned the page on her absolutely huge book.

I sighed and tried to get back to sleep as soon as I could but every so often, Hermione would go,"Oh I knew that!" To herself.

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