6 - Another session

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I looked at my planner, 1st of October.

These last few weeks had been very, very exhausting. I hadn't had a session with Draco in a while and Hermione was still bitter that I didn't beg her to tutor me.

"Oh look." Hermione nodded towards Draco who was walking towards us in the courtyard. "I bet he's going to arrange another little play date!" Hermione laughed to herself and hurried off to her Defence against the Dark Arts class.

"Hi Draco." I smiled to Draco as he approached me. I couldn't help but notice how uptight he seemed.

"Listen, I um..." He hesitated,"Nevermind."

"What is it?" I grabbed his arm and couldn't help but notice the ring on my finger flicker slightly, making my heart pace uncontrollably.
Draco had clocked it too.

"What's that?!" His eyes widened as I pulled my hand away from him, hiding the ring with my other hand.

"A love ring—"

"I know what it is!" He yelled, causing some third years to stare at us. "Why are you wearing it? Who gave it to you?"

I shrugged.

"Nevermind..." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm free tonight if you want some help with that Herbology homework..."

I laughed, feeling slightly awkward now,"It was due in last week but I could really use some help on my Charms homework."

"Sure." He nodded, maintaining eye contact, and paced away in a hurry after Hermione who had already probably arrived.

• • • • •

I felt the pressure this time, last time I really didn't care about impressing Draco but something inside me felt insecure around him. I had no idea why but I felt something for him. I didn't want to admit this but I knew it deep down and Hermione did too.

"Have you curled your hair?" Hermione frowned over the dinner table during our dessert of ice cream. I blushed, hoping that no one else noticed. "Who are you..."

Draco walked into the Great Hall, looking at me sternly, before raising an eyebrow to get me to hurry up.

"Gotta go—" I left my half eaten sundae with Hermione and ran after Draco who was leaned against the wall with crossed arms and a frown.

"Why do you even like her?" He said under his breath as we stormed to the Dungeons together.
"Filthy mudblood."

I tried so hard not to say the wrong thing, I knew Draco actually had a heart and I didn't want to upset him. Instead, we walked in complete silence to his dorm, getting weird looks from some of the teachers as we passed the staff room.
Draco lead me into his room for the second time, but I couldn't help but notice that he had actually made his bed this time and opened the curtains, letting the moonlight in.
I sat on the floor and emptied the contents of my bag out, looking for my Charms folder. Eventually I found it. I turned to Draco who was watching me closely, licking his lips, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I just have to analyze the uses of levitation spells and that it, I think..." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. Draco nodded and sat down next to me.

"Hey, I..." He hesitated,"I don't want you to think I hate you, Elise. I promise. This has nothing to do with you being a Pure blood, I promise. I guess I don't want people to think I'm still that bully I used to be."

I nodded with a re assuring smile, Draco sighed with relief.

I shoved the homework sheet in front of him and he sighed.
"Do you know how much I hate levitation spells—"

Draco's bedroom door creeped open as we sat on the floor watching it, and to Draco's absolute disgust, it was Pansy Parkinson.

"Draco..." She said breathlessly before throwing herself on top of him, completely ignoring my presence. "I missed you so much baby..."

"Pansy we need to talk..."

"Not now, Draco! I haven't seen my boyfriend since sixth year, are you kidding?!" She kissed him all over as she rolled his eyes at me, making me laugh under my breath. I sat there awkwardly, still wanting my homework finished.

"Pansy, really, I need to tell you something—"

"Don't talk!" She hugged him tightly.

"I'm breaking up with you!" He blurted out to mine and Pansy's surprise. She let go of him and burst into violent tears before standing up and noticing me.

"What are you doing here, Avery?" She glared at me intensely.

"Draco is helping me with homework—"

"Yeah right!" She interrupted,"Did you forget that your girlfriend was coming back to Hogwarts to finish her seventh year?"

Draco stood up too and ushered her out of his bedroom,"Ex girlfriend."

He slammed the door after her and took a deep breath, before looking back to me.

"If you want me to go, I'm happy to..."

"No!" He exclaimed,"Please, don't..."


He smiled and sat down next to me again. He accidentally brushed his hand on my leg and my ring lit up again. Shooting a look at me, Draco gulped.
"That's a nice ring..."

"Thanks..." I said, feeling extremely embarrassed. Draco must've figured it out.
"So, this homework..."


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