Dare #21 - From Liechtenstein22

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From Liechtenstein22,

I dare everyone 'cept Liechtenstein to face their worst fears!

Leo: ...I salute you. This is just a beautiful dare. -smiles and clasps hands together-

England: You know this dare includes you, since she said everyone except Liechtenstein.

Leo: ...Well shit.

Liechtenstein: -smiles-

Leo: Ah well, let the fun begin. -Claps hands as everyone's fears appear-

America: -screams and runs around in darkness- GHOSTS!

Canada: I RAN OUT OF MAPLE?! -thrashes around-

Belarus: Why won't you marry me big brother?

Russia: Help! My sister is after me!

China: No let happen! Not bad food!

England: I'm drowning! -tries to swim in air-

France: -backs away from others that look like him- I refuse to look like the rest of you!

Japan: -tries to escape a crowd-

Italy and Romano: No more pasta?! -starts crying on the floor-

Germany and Denmark: Where ist the beer?!

Prussia: I am...unawesome? -sits in emo corner-

Austria: -looks disgusted at a starfish and crab- Marine animals...

Hungary: Where is my fanficton and my frying pan? searches frantically-

Finland: No more Christmas... -looks down-

Iceland: Mr. Puffin, get back here!

Norway: Give me back my mackerels, Iceland.

Sweden: Where's m' w'fe?

Greece: ...Cats?

Poland: Pony, why aren't you pink anymore?

The Baltics: -all back away from Russia and his pipe-

Spain: No! Not the tomatoes! -watches as someone destroys his tomato garden-

Leo and Liechtenstein: -eats popcorn-

Leo: You think they have had enough?

Liechtenstein: Well, maybe they can stay a little longer...

Leo: You, I like you. -continues eating-

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