Dare #23 - From Liechtenstein22

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Leo: Here is a new guest, but not a new dare...truth...requester person.

England: You mean a sender?

Leo: Yeah, that's what I said.

Liechtenstein22: I have a dare for the Hero!

America: Really?! -runs over for her to whisper it-

Liechtenstein22: I dare you to steal Russia's pipe, scarf, pickax, and vodka.

I hope you can run fast.

America: -stands with all color faded from his face- A-Alright, I can do that.

Leo: What did you tell him?

Liechtenstein22: -whispers-

Leo: Nice!

America: -creeps behind a sleeping Russia-

Leo: But he is so adorable when he's sleeping. ;~;

Everyone: -looks at Leo-

Leo: Stahp staring.

America: -takes the pickaxe from under the chair and replaces the vodka from Russia's hand with the television remote-

Canada: -quietly cheers-

America: -raises his hand in the direction of Canada, smiling, accidentally hitting Russia-

Russia: -opens an eye- Stealing, da?

Leo: Holy sheet.

Canada: Run!

America: -Immediately jumps up and steals Russia's pipe and scarf-

Russia: Kolkolkol...

America: -runs out the door and onto the other side of the road-


Leo: That's all for now... -looks at America and Russia running around-

Canada: Censoring brought to you by.... MAPLE SYRUP!

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