Hogwarts Express

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In the blink of an eye, I'm somewhere else. I look around and I see people pushing their luggage carts towards the giant train. I see Harry and I trot towards him.
"Good to see you didn't pass out. Quite a few people pass out their first time. Or throw up," he greeted me. I gagged at the thought.
Within two minutes, the whole Weasley gang plus Mione were with us. Ron, Mione, Harry, and Ginny filled me in about the choosing ceremony, the different houses, which teachers I want to get in the right side of.
Harry then told me, "You need to stay away from Drac-"
I cut him off. "If I want to talk to Draco, I will. Chances are, I won't."
Mione almost told me which house was the worst, but Harry cut her off, and told me that he needed to talk to me. Privately.
So he told me that he was placed into Gryffindor. He explained how the sorting hat only put him there because he had the courage to ask. Otherwise he would've been Slytherin.
"One thing you learn fast about me: I'm not brave. I've never been brave. I'm smart, sometimes kind, and cunning. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon thought I was the perfect child. I never left my room. Ever. Even my meals were eaten in my room. But every night, I picked the lock on my door and snuck outside.
" I needed fresh air, Harry. It's not bravery. It's a desire. A need. If they had caught me, I'd never do that again. That's the difference between me and you. If you had been caught, you'd keep doing it. Because you're brave. I'm not. I'm sorry, I'm just... Not like you."
Harry nodded understandingly.
We ran to catch the train, waved goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and the train pulled out.
Harry, Ron, and Mione got a section together, and Luna, Neville, and Ginny got one together, so I sat with Fred and George.
So many people find them annoying, but I find them amusing. Their pranks are the best. One prank I've helped them with made Ron pissed. We turned his room until a swamp. One foot of dirty water, Lily pads, frogs, even a couple fish. Of course we had to clean it up, but it was worth it.
So we were sitting there, and we came up with a lifetime's supply of pranks. My personal favorite was a motion activated snowball machine to put in  the girl's bathroom.
"I'm going to go change," I tell them.
I make my way to the bathroom, but I was cut off by a voice.
I return around and see Draco Malfoy standing 5 feet behind me.
"Hey Draco," I reply.
"Just wanted to let you know that if you are anything like your brother, I already hate you."
I smile. "Week then, it's your lucky day! It just so happens I'm better than him."
He smirks. "We'll see about that." He pauses. "Then again it's not all that hard to be better then him. I'll see you at the Slytherin table." He walks away.
I head towards the bathroom and get changed. When I come back to our section of the train, Fred and George are gone. Where are they now? I ask myself. Then I think, they probably went to get changed.
So I sit alone, and out of nowhere, ice cold water is dumped in top of me. I look up and see Fred and George in the luggage compartment, with a bucket, of course.
"You'll pay for this!" I shriek.
They jump down and, thankfully, George knows a drying spell.
A couple minutes after I'm dried off, the train skids to a stop. I look outside and see an old looking castle, and I know immediately they we have arrived at Hogwarts.

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